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    C:\Program Files\Hosting\Heliohost\Users\Striker

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. [bleeped!]!?!?!? when i make a site,forum,ETC i can't view it it only shows {
  2. Dude i need my account vallidated.....Im not asking for special privlages
  3. Can u validate my account! Username: jith email: jiththewarlock@hotmail.com
  4. Who the hell signed up as webmaster?
  5. I don't wanna pay for them i will post for them
  6. If it's funny it's not funny at ALL!
  7. If i new someone was Gay...I would be like "it's your choise to be gay"
  8. I use Zboard for WoW I think It's Great!
  9. Im going to trick my cousin with the michal jackson one, or the noplan dyniteme one
  10. Striker


    I use hotmail.....My validetion for the forums got their instaley!
  11. Thats Cool! w00t!
  12. I sit on the COMP all day!
  13. Auto Collet Sounds Stupid....Cuz wat if ppl want to save up their intrist?
  14. I think it's cool!
  15. What controler???? Sony has used the same PS controler for the past 3 gens!
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