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Everything posted by ShannenName

  1. With MySQL databases I know that if your using it on your own HelioHost webpage then all you need it localhost but if I needed it for an 'outside' webhost what shall I use for the server name?
  2. Which version are you using and I will see for you?
  3. With Vista it's better to wait until they sort out the bugs and no-one might even have it in the future like Windows ME
  4. No ads.... phpbb3 doesn't have frames so that's not the problem, have you tried actually looking in the code instead of just viewing the source code...
  5. 1)IE7 does support frames 2)Did you just click view source in IE7 or is that the actual code 3)It links to index.php?pane=left&sid=c3c7319bc37cce9dba415d69875a765a in a frame but for that there would have to be a code for those frames 4)What version of phpbb are you using?
  6. Microsoft Office 2007 isn't much different from 2003 but there is a big price difference, to people out there going to buy 2007 don't! Wait until the market dies down and get it for lower
  7. If you know the basics of php and MySQL check out how this game code is structured (www.mccodes.com and download the free version) and try making mods that do different things for it. It really helped me when I started php..
  8. Yes it's the email address you signed up with not the email you got
  9. Why don't you just make a php version of this? It would be much easier
  10. Ok great just what I wanted to know!
  11. Does the posting standard package last until the end of the month or for 30 days or so? e.g If you buy it on the 25 of August does that give you only 6 days?
  12. When I get time I will make PHPBB shop mod but which version of PHPBB shall I make it for?
  13. I have a Z-Board (Its a keyboard that you can take off the keys and ad a set specially designed for a game). But I don't use it for WoW I use it for Fear, Quake, Battlefield..etc
  14. South Park, Wilfred and Family guy are the best! http://youtube.com/watch?v=wY19tJiuc_k http://youtube.com/watch?v=W6XRmGzxSAk http://youtube.com/watch?v=-nSkgzbxNcY http://youtube.com/watch?v=j9Q3UqbV7w8
  15. They have Graffiti walls were people are allowed to graffiti on but the walls I have seen and most of them get sprayed over. The stupid thing with those is that people vandalize the good work by just sprayed random stuff on there...
  16. Sorry for not posting anything here but I have been really busy and don't have time to make mods
  17. I thought this was cool, until I saw the parody! Biggest waste of money ever, I'm still buying one though hahaha!
  18. ShannenName

    Ads Plans Beta

    Could I have shannenname.zarmm.com
  19. Runescape uses Java not Javascript, it's totally different!
  20. I remember years ago something that does exactly what your talking about it was with javascript but it's been like "permanently" removed from the web because I can't find it! FOUND IT!! http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/javascri...cle.php/3471141 Although it doesn't seem to work on newer browsers..
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