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Everything posted by ShannenName

  1. Oh yes, sorry, when you get everything up and running and a bit of cash in your pocket and some spare time then can you?
  2. Djbob can you upgrade the servers so there isn't so much server load?
  3. Ok thanks for this I was wondering if it was just me because no-one else seemed to mention this.
  4. ShannenName

    Hi :D

    What language do you know for computer programming? What program do you use for graphic designing?
  5. OK I have a screenshot of the page and the url just in case that has anything to do with it.bug.bmp
  6. You won't be talking for long if have spelling like that, and when you said the banners messed up your design do you mean how the scroll bar doesn't work?
  7. He isn't interested in blocking them but making them! If anyone knows or finds out please post it here because I also am interested in how they do this!
  8. When I first saw an iPod touch ad I was like yea an iPhone we know..then at the end it was 'iPod Touch!' That was amazing I couldn't even tell the difference...it goes to show what companies do, instead of making something new just add a new feature and rename it.....
  9. Most of the time when I come to visit HelioNet forums the front page will work fine (index.php) and then as soon as I navigate to any other page it will try to load for a while then a page error comes up, next time it happens I will take a screen shot. Does this happen to anyone else or just me? How do I fix it?
  10. Yes if you just changed the name servers it takes 24-48 hours to complete and during that time it says your site is down
  11. You could do either, change the page based on the answers or redirect based on answers, it depends if you want a single cluttered file or a nicely set out 2+ files. It just depends on the ratio of cluttered file:more files you want, I recommend for what you want 2 pages of php would be good
  12. Oh my god that's gross but sooo funny
  13. I recently found this cool program, when you download it, it gives you a passcode you send to someone else that also has the program, the enter the code and press access, you do likewise, a screen will come up asking you if you are sure if you want to connect, the other person then has access to your computer for a limited amount of time (so he/she doesn't steal you computer). This is extremely useful if you need to help someone with a computer problem or want to show them something. It also has other cool features like file sharing but so they don't send you a virus without you knowing you have to confirm it first. If you want in on this cool new program visit www.crossloop.com and download it. Also let me know if you need help with something!
  14. Well for this I think you will need to go into PHP so if you want to read a PHP book or tutorial or if you don't have time just reply here and I will make it for you.
  15. EDIT One little mistake should work now! /EDIT You should use <?php at the start of the page and ?> at the end not in the middle oh a html document also, the basic html page consists of <html><head><title><body> not just <html> and <body> tags and if you are going to use echo (exact same as print) you have to have quotes, eg echo "hello"; NOT echo hello; and for the form inputs you don't end it with /> you just end with > Also if should of posted the simplified version of this script (consists of only one page) so I will do so now <?php /** * @author ShannenName * @copyright 2007 */ if($_POST['submit']) { print "Welcome {$_POST['name']}! You are {$_POST['age']} years old!"; } else { print "<form action='welcome.php' method=post> Name: <input type='text' name='name' value='Your Name Here'> Age: <input type='text' name='age' value='Your Age Here'> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Go'></form>"; } ?>
  16. I don't use content manager but when I did I preferred Joomla because it has better support, looks, ease of use and more add-ons. Also Fly America Virtual do you have to have a capital on each word?
  17. Well peterpan hasn't been on for 6 days so I will answer for him. Say that the site is hosted on heliohost.org what would your answer be?
  18. I think that Kyougi picture looks awesome inverted and infinity your signature would look great inverted but with a lighter black (which you can do in photoshop!)
  19. This is supposed to be a rainwater tank in the property (it was quick so don't blame me) Now you someone do these. Put into
  20. Hahahaha that's pretty funny, i was thinking, where is this going... then at the end..hahaha
  21. No content manager is the best content manager. What is the point of using them anyway? They take up space for no reason? Just manage the content yourself its not that hard, anyway if you wanted one why have them all flashy? You just want a content manager not a picture displayer.....
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