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Everything posted by Andrey

  1. Actually the Starcraft II is pretty much like Sims 2. So if your computer can handle Sims 2 pretty well I don't think Starcraft II will be a prob. I think SC II will be good, but if they take out all of the favorite units then nobody will play it. Like they took out the goons. Goons were everybody's favorite unit.
  2. Yea they were. I loved the siege tanks and the jets...forgot their name...arhh can't remember....oh well. They were the Terran jets that can cloak themselves. Those were my fav. units. Yes there is a counter for everything. Blizzard is trying to make the game more balanced.
  3. Rofl throw a console at themselves But about a wii killing people ...can't be true. Even though I despise the Wii that can't be true...
  4. Does that mean you found it funny....?
  5. Rofl...wow that was very unexpected...I was expecting take airplane to France, but swim...rofl
  6. Well then I have no idea what your talking about lol. Sorry
  7. Rofl... all the way true!
  8. www.stupidvideos.com Huge collection of funny and stupid videos. This is one is one of their funniest: Bear vs. Human
  9. Same for me, link doesn't work
  10. I agree, seems like the most logical answer.
  11. 1583 Woop Woop, lol
  12. Sorry for double posting, but I got more pics =) To quote Homer Simpson, "Beer, the cause of and solution to all our problems."
  13. Yea the always do. Same here Protoss and Zerg. Terran aren't really that good, but in Starcraft II they look promising. Especially the Reapers!
  14. Jack Nicholson was the best! lol, it was hilarous!
  15. What do girls like that is big and 4 inches long? A dollar bill!
  16. Rofl nice joke
  17. I really like the Student paper with Pro and opposite is noob and then a question mark, that one is hilarious!!! Funny cat Pictures: up and down up and down up and... hap Before marriage After Marriage Counseling - Divorce
  18. Rofl the second one is awesome!!!
  19. Lol, very funny!
  20. I think they did take them out, but you are right. We don't know yet, lol. NOOOO, that sucks.... Then probably April next year.
  21. I have had the free version of Limewire for about 2 months, and it is pretty good. But Kaaza & Kaaza Lite are better. The reason is because with both you can download a lot more, and are more safe. But that is my opinion.
  22. Are you talking about website designing or programming?
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