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Everything posted by Andrey

  1. Andrey

    Helions for Reviews

    A long time .... I guess I reviewed Helionet about 27 days ago, and even pmed djbob. Didn't get any helions.
  2. I would try phpbb3. It looks a lot better than phpbb2, and has a better admin control panel. But if you want to go for IPB, there is a good service that gives you an up to date version of it for free. Even though you still cant put it on your site, it works just as great. Here is link to their site: http://ipbfree.com/home/
  3. I like what Karath said
  4. I was wondering if maybe we can add more smilies, to the database. If you want I can give you some to add, but if it is possible can we add some more. There aren't many of the basic ones. Like crying, or crying and laughing. The ones the forum currently has are great, but if you can add more that will be greatly appreciated. Everybody who else has something to say on this topic, please do so. Maybe that will help convince the admins. ;-)
  6. Lol, your not crazy. Some times I think the same way, but I snap out of it pretty soon.
  7. First of all to get to it will take a long long long long long time. lol Its 20 light years away. Pretty far away if you ask me, lol. But it might be possible.
  8. awsomejoe, it seems like you completely despise the idea of a God, and all that you believe in is the scientific way of life. I was reading all your posts, and I would like to explain/tell you and reply to each one of your questions/statements. First of all you stated that: Yes I do beleive that god said let there be light and the sun appeared. I beleive that becuase God is all powerful, he can do anything. Now what you are probably thinking is why he let Katrina happen then. He let it happen as a sign. He wanted it to happen. It was a punishment for our sins. He knows everything. He knows what will happen and when it will happen. He knows when you will die he knows what you are doing right now. He knows what I am doing right now. He is everywhere. Now moving on to the next statement. You say why did he create everything to be imperfect. He didn't create anything to be imperfect. If when you say imperfect you mean things like a person dieing in a car crash, or a person wrecking their car in a car crash, or that you cant get a girlfriend, or your fighting with your wife. Those things happen for a reason, and God lets those things happen. If a person dies in a car crash then that means their time has come. God has a time for everybody to die. He knows when everybody will die. Including me and you. I might die tomorrow, maybe even when I walk out my door. I don't know, but what I do know is that when I die I will go up to heaven and God will ask me what I have done in my life. That is why, I life everyday to the fullest. If a person gets his car broken or destroyed, that might be to help him. I have a friend who lived in an apartment building. The building burned down before he was about to move out of it to a new house. His car burned down also. His car was very old and was already breaking down. He didn't have enough money to buy a new one, because he was saving for a house. He had insurance on the car, and he got a brand new Honda Accord. Now he has a new house and a new car. Same goes for everything else that you might think is imperfect. Next you say that he made us do sins. He didn't make us do sins. YOU committed your sins, it was your fault. I committed my sins, it was my fault. God sends us tests, to see how we will do. For example, you see a beautiful women, and you lust after her. God didn't make you lust. He tested you and you lusted. It was YOUR fault, not Gods. Also he doesn't want to make it so we cant sin. If we cant sin how will God know if we believe in him or we don't. How, when we die, will he test us to see if we should got to heaven or hell. I just repeated pretty much everything djbob said, but more specifically. That should answers those questions/statements. Also, you keep talking about how the Bible was created. You say it was a created by a bunch of politicians and that it is a fairytale. What I would like to say is this: 1. That the original copy of the bible still exists. 2. 70% of the Bible happened 3. It was written by God through people 4. The Bible predicted things that happened maybe like 2 years ago. It didn't predict things that just happened in 100 A.D. It still says what will happen after 2007. Here you make up your own version. What I would like to ask you is this, what will happen at the end of the world? What will happen tomorrow? What will happen in 2008??? You talked about things that have already happened. Also you mention us evolving from apes. What I would like to say is this, why aren't the apes today like us??? What happened. Why did the apes stop evolving??? Or if the apes have already evolved why are their apes that are still here? If apes evolved already into us why are there more of them left over? That is all I have to say. What else I would like to say to you awsomejoe, is for you to stop critisizing and abusing everybody replying to your posts. You have said something bad about every person defending God in this forum. Here is oner person that just said he/she believes in god: He/She said: You answered her/him like this: He/She then said this: You abuse the person even more by saying this: And what I would like to say about people offending you everyday. They probably do that because you immediately jump upon them like you did to every person defending God in this forum. So, stop abusing/criticizing every person that defends god, or even posts something in this forum. In conclusion, awsomejoe get more info on the bible, read it all the way to the end, read it twice to understand it, and then you can come back and actually start saying something about God. You have no right to say anything against God unless you know your facts, which you obviously don't. Thank-you, Andrey P.S. I would like to apologize if I repeated any ideas twice or three times, or if some of my grammar was wrong or incorrect. I was in a rush and didn't have time to reread what I wrote.
  9. Wow that is slow.... I have the same question as joemama, what internet service provider do u have???
  10. Prob, lol.
  11. Ya, hopefully there will be something to replace stacking. Someday...lol But I can sign in unto US East, it works fine. No lagging or anything.
  12. Oh, my mistake I meant free domain, Nevermind then.
  13. Rofl this is a funny topic from my perspective. First DarkMask tries to explain something (I still dont understand what he said), then djbob thought he was a foreigner. Then Karath tried to explain it to djbob Then djbob thought EVERYBODY are foreigners. Then Karath tried to explain it again, with corrected grammer. Then djbob got all angry. Lol I have no idea why, but I couldnt stop laughing after I read this topic. The way everything was said and in the order it was all said was unusually funny to me. I still am laughing.
  14. So, where do you put the code. I put it in the url bar. Here is the way I put it: http://www.yahoo.com/java script:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200 When I click enter it doesn't work. I am using IE. Is there another way to do it???
  15. WAT NO MORE STACKING!!!??? That stinks, *sigh* I guess there goes Turret Stack D, Cannon D, Choose ur D, and all those other d's. lol Mine is Sib_wolf, and I play in US West. I'm guessing u play in US East, lol.
  16. Well I have Time Warner Cable and it costs about $24.99 a month for just the internet, but I am thinking of switching to Verizon. With Verizon I will pay $99 a month and get Internet, TV, and Phone. Plus I heard from Verizon Broadband users and they say it is a lot faster than everybody else. Also my internet crashes every once in a while which drives me nuts, so I would prefer to have a better intrenet. Mine is fast, but it crashes a lot and Verizon is faster and cheaper. So, I would get Verizon if I were you.
  17. They also added Youtube to it. So, now you can watch youtube on the iphone also. For more info go to their website. They also extended the battery life of the iphone twice the amount of what it was before. http://www.apple.com/iphone/
  18. Yea, a lot probably will go up on the Blizzcon. But the way they made it in 3D makes it a lot more realistic than the current starcraft. Hey, Elivmar whats your sn in Battle.net for Starcraft: Broodwar?
  19. Hmmm well u do have a point but also some people would have prob liked to see the game and all its units/buildings before buying it, so they wont waste their money. And some people might just be skeptical. lol
  20. New building added for protoss on the website! Cant wait until their finally going to add the terran or zerg.
  21. I have Cable, and it is pretty fast. Never lags or anything but sometimes it just cracks and I have to wait 30 sec - 1 min for it to start going again. That part drives me nuts, but over-all its pretty fast. * I TESTED FROM A SERVER ABOUT 200 MILES AWAY* * I TESTED FROM A SERVER IN TORONTO, CANADA WHILE I LIVE IN CA, USA SO IT IS ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE FORM WHERE I AM*
  22. I LIVE IN THE SAME STATE WHERE THE BLIZZCON IS GOING TO BE TAKEN, ITS LIKE A 2-hour DRIVE FROM MY HOUSE, BUT I STILL CANT GO....it sucks so bad.... but oh well. Me too I wish I can go when Im older. Yea they did sell out fast...sadly, ;(
  23. AWESOME!!! I'm so sad I cant go.... oh well, but this is great news!!! R u going?
  24. Lol yea new units are cool. I think you get the archon the old way...I think its just a replacement for the old archon. Prob HT and HT.
  25. Well....Im sorta glad. lol The ob is one of the best units. Its cloaked and u can get into your enemys base and always watch what their doing, as long as their is no detectors. Not like with the other detectors where the enemy can always see ur detector. I'm just happy the DT's r in,
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