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Everything posted by mm1

  1. Thank you I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Thanks. What do you put in .htaccess to sort files in FoldersFirst ? Thanks
  2. Krydos, you helped me before setting up a VPS files storage (https://files.mm1.helioho.st/) for my web page mm1.helioho.st. Using FTP I created two directories in VPS: iwagt and viewpoints and in those, everything works as expected. Then, using the same process with FTP I created the directory books and uploaded some files. Using FTP I can see them all there but when I go to https://mm1.helioho.st/books the directory books is not found. I am confused. Please ignore the same question posted on your thread wrong place to post?)
  3. mm1

    Krydos, you helped me before setting up a VPS files storage (https://files.mm1.helioho.st/) for my web page mm1.helioho.st.  Using FTP I created two directories in VPS: iwagt and viewpoints and everything works as expected. Then, using the same process with FTP I created the directory books and uploaded some books. Using FTP I can see them all there but when I go to https://files.mm1.helioho.st/ the directory books does not show and going to https://files.mm1.helioho.st/books  returns Not Found.  I am confused

  4. mm1

    Krydos, you helped me before setting up a VPS files storage (https://files.mm1.helioho.st/) for my web page mm1.helioho.st.  Using FTP I created two directories in VPS: iwagt and viewpoints and everything works as expected. Then, using the same process with FTP I created the directory books and uploaded some books. Using FTP I can see them all there but when I go to https://files.mm1.helioho.st/ the directory books does not show and going to https://files.mm1.helioho.st/books  returns Not Found.  I am confused

    Thanks for your help

  5. Thanks Krydos. I think I got where I wanted to go with your help. Please check the bottom of this page and let me know if you have any issues with it. Thanks https://mm1.helioho.st/
  6. Thank you so much. This is great. Truly grateful.
  7. That sounds great. Can you setup VPS for me so that I have a URL to FTP to? I am familiar with Plesk from 20+ years of hosting at Godaddy, but not with VPS. Thanks
  8. Hi Krydos, what could I pay to keep it simple and stay on Tommy with up to 25 gb of storage? thank you
  9. In reality I had no desire to go to VPS. My site has a trivial amount of traffic because it is just an archive of web pages I created over the last 40 years (I am 73). I just want to keep them for my grandkids to see how computing evolved (I started in 1972) and maybe they get inspired to look at IT as a career. Also I have a site with many videos I created in the early 2000's that family and friends may want to access very infrequently. In total, I need 20-25 gb of space but other than that I was happy with Tommy and no desire to change it. Where may I find directions to set up my VPS? then I can copy the files myself. If I could just pay you to increase storage in my Tommy, that would be the easiest path yet. Thanks
  10. I tried Support chat by discord but I only get invalid invite
  11. How do I know when it is ready to use? Is login the same as my mm1.helioho.st ?
  12. thank you
  13. I started with you with mm1.helioho.st As I need 25 gb of storage I moved to VPS Could you move my site files to the VPS server? Thank you Marco
  14. Thank you. As it happens I need 25 gb of storage for my new setup so I switched to the VPS now in progress
  15. I would like to increase my storage by 1000 MB for a one time charge of $5 Thank you Marco
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