Hello HH,
Could I please have the VPS I have canceled & my hosting account deleted?
Below is the pertinent information:
Username: VM
Email: vmaule548@comcast.net
Kind Regards,
Hello @Krydos,
I apologize in advance for the extra effort here; I made a mistake through the ordering process & selected one of the predefined options that did not allow me to choose a custom OS.
Could I have the VPS Rebuilt with a NixOS ISO?
Below is the following information related to this request:
- Username: VM
- OS Requested: NixOS 23
- Domain: vps96.heliohost.us
Please let me know if there is anything else needed from me.
Kind Regards,
Hello HelioNet,
I apologize in advance for the extra effort here; I made a mistake through the ordering process & selected one of the predefined options that did not allow me to choose a custom OS.
Could I have the VPS Rebuilt with a NixOS ISO?
Below is the following information related to this request:
- Username: VM
- OS Requested: NixOS 23
- Domain: vps96.heliohost.us
Please let me know if there is anything else needed from me.
Kind Regards,
Well, that definitely does drive the number of posts I can do 😕
Seeing something like that makes me want to be around the forums, I always love a challenge!
Knowing this, I could maybe provide support within from all those Emails that come in
I did some math & here is what I figured:
400 posts/12 months comes to roughly 33.33 posts which could pretty much equate to a post a day give or take. Now the question I have which is the big question... Does HelioHost still continue the free domain requests program? I can see this will be my 10th post & would only need 390 more which would then get me the free domain by the beginning of May next year, maybe even sooner if I find more content related to HN/HH to post
Ohhh, your good! Sorry, should have conveyed a thank you for sharing!
Here are one of the testimonials I am referring to that lead me to believe that HH/HN was originally one of those networks that would give hosting space if you met the requirements. One of those requirements was forum posts.
Although I'm reading that wrong as well & the original reference that led me to believe what I believe is from this page: https://wiki.helionet.org/hosting/helionet.
Thanks for sharing! Interesting to see that. Anyone know why this feature was discontinued?
😮 Whoa!!! This was not what I was referring to, the second Testimonial near the bottom of the page here: https://heliohost.org/ is what has one reference to what I'm referring to.
@wolstech, is one still able to attempt this? Would I be able to do this in Ookma's post above?
Hello HH,
I would like to change my primary domain as follows for my account (vincentmaule) :
vincentmaule.helioho.st -> fish-maule.com
Kind Regards,