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Everything posted by dlane

  1. Thanks again! I didn't keep in mind that I am not the intended audience for that wiki article about Wordpress alternatives. It makes more sense from that perspective. Publii sounds like what I'm looking for. Since SiteJet isn't a specifically installed app, I don't think I have to remove it, but I can just delete everything in httpdocs except the folder(s) my other apps are in? I think that'll do for testing, but once I'm done experimenting, I'll probably want to start from scratch. The author of Easy!Appointments is helping me. I needed to run an update script, which is think is needed for any updates of that app. That resolved the initial errors but I think there are more related to the customization, not anything about the hosting. I'm happy I was able to upload and extract the zip file. Since I don't have ssh access, the way I'm used to accessing my home server, I was nervous I wasn't going to be able to test or host this custom version of the app on helio host, but having those built-in file manager features means I can.
  2. Thank you so much for your extensive testing and very helpful replies! I didn't see them until now because I must not have email notifications set up and I put this project aside. Since SiteJet is the problem and there's no particular reason I used it, I will use something else. I only need a static single page website so am looking at the options mentioned in another thread on lower resource alternatives to Wordpress: https://wiki.helionet.org/WordPress#WordPress_Alternatives (old wiki links don't work?) The file listing when there's no site installed is fine, I just mentioned it to describe what was happening with nothing installed there. I think editing the index.html directly seems the simplest, especially now that I connected to the site with FTP. Since I'm older than the web, when I think of making a webpage, I think of using an editor on my computer, then uploading it to the server. That alternatives list makes a point that Publii "is local" i.e. on your personal device? Since the wiki is about a server, that's not 100% clear to me and it seems some of the other options also run on the editor's computer and not the server. But some do run on the server, but are not in Softculous. That's all a different question, but is where I am now. Part of the reason I put this project aside is that I paid for a customization to Easy!Appointments and was waiting for that to be finished. When it was, I initially tried to copy the files to the server using the file manager GUI. That was going to take many hours. Instead I copied the zip file then unzipped on the server, over top of the Softculous installation of Easy!Appointments, reasoning that I wanted to keep the dependencies and not uninstall E!A. That may or may not have worked. I have encountered errors that sound related to the customization so I'm in contact with the author about that. Now that I'm getting closer to the real set up I should revisit this site interaction question, since I may want to reinstall and/or reset to convert to a static site.
  3. Hello, I'm new to helio host and public web hosting in general, but have many services hosted on my home network. On that LAN server, I just set up each service to use a different port, and have no problem with several of them running web interfaces on one IP address. With helio host, I used softaculous to install a couple of apps. The installation settings ask where to put them and suggest a sane folder. Good, so those don't collide or conflict. I installed two and they both worked fine at their respective folders. The root index.html spot showed a non-navigable file/folder list. It's not critical for me, but would be nice to replace the file/folder list with a simple website that links to the other apps. I used the sitejet builder, half-filled out a template and published it to see what would happen. I was not surprised that this wiped out the apps. Now the sitejet site appears on the root index.html and the apps addresses don't work. I wondered if installing the apps afterward would work and tried that, but softaculous complains the apps are already installed. Maybe its records show that, but I think it's wrong. I pressed "update" on the disk usage stats to get a sense of whether disk use went down, but it took longer than I wanted to wait to update. The installation folders for the apps are gone. 1. Is it possible to host a few softaculous apps and a regular website at the same time? Is there some trick to do this? 2. I assume there's a way to reset softaculous' installation records and force it to reinstall apps it already installed but I overwrote?
  4. Hello, can you please "start over" the hosting space for dlane?
  5. Hello, please delete my account under user name dlane
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