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Posts posted by infantex

  1. Hi there.

    On October 22, 2020 I made a donation of $10 from my PayPal account (currently jorge.zaldivar@gmail.com but it may have been jorge_zaldivar@hotmail.com at that time). Transaction ID was 04Y588901B464254A. No donations are shown in the Plesk ETA page.

    Four more donations were made in 2019 (and some more before that)... but they would all fall outside of the time window you're considering for the Plesk queu.

    Can you link the one on Oct 22 to my account? It's infantx on Tommy (Should I change the email on my profile to match that of my PayPal account?).

    Thanks and regards,

  2. Hello.

    It's not completely clear to me. Would the sale end affect all the current VPSs or only the new ones? i.e., current VPS users get to keep the extra GB? What about if we pay 6 months in advance?


  3. I think I (partially) know what's happening.

    What lit the fuse was the selector field of the DKIM field. I had forgotten it even existed (quite easily since I only used it once about two months ago when setting up my VPS, and then I just copied it from Google's recommendation).

    Today I received another DMARC report and there were two valid e-mails originating from a Google-owned IP and passing all tests -- and the selector for DKIM was google. This selector thing was fresh in my mind for having answered @balloons about my (supposedly) nonexistent DKIM and DMARC records (you had to specify the selector when querying with curl).

    At first I thought someone had somehow added a DKIM selector (mailo from the DMARC report) to my domain. So I queried for it, but no, there was none.

    But, sure enough, garena,com had one. 

    So, what I think is happening is that someone with a garena.com account is sending mail with altered headers, as to appear e-mail is from us (infantex.com.mx). Such e-mails are passing garena.com's SPF and DKIM tests because they're in fact originating from garena.com, thus the pass results in the auth_results section of the DMARC report. But they are failing DMARC, so they're being rejected or quarantined as per the policy_evaluated section. I think the combination of SPF, DKIM and DMARC is what's filtering those e-mails, how exactly, I don't know. But it seems DMARC is not accepting the passing SPF and DKIM results from garena.com. Good!

    One thing I noticed is that garena.com's SPF record includes _spf.google.com, as does mine. I don't know if that's legit (meaning legitimate e-mail from them occasionally uses Google's servers) or an attempt to hijack a lot of Google-hosted e-mails. 

    I'm more at ease now! 🙂 

  4. 15 hours ago, lucash said:

    I would imagine if you were using Cloudflare for DNS, Hestia DNS records would no longer be of any use

    I would think the same, but I can't think of anything else that'd be causing this.

    I went ahead and deleted the DNS zone in Hestia. Now, www.infantex.com.mx, instead of displaying the "Success! Web server is ready" page, I'm getting a too many redirects error (ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS).

    The curl output is similar to what you got: http points to https and https points to http. I don't know what's causing this or how to track who is redirectig what.  😞

  5. Thanks for your answer.

    It got me thinking... I initially used Hestia's DNS to setup my site, but some DNS records were not propagating even after several days (I don't remember if it was the SPF record or another one).

    I switched over to Cloudflare for DNS and the issue was resolved.

    However, the DNS zone is still set up in Hestia. I have not noticed any problems so far, but I don't know if this could cause the looping issue you see. I just deleted the www A record in Hestia, nothing changed in the curl output but it may be cached, will wait 'till tomorrow.

    I would ask you if it would be OK to completely delete the DNS zone in Hestia, but you already said you're not familiar with it.  🙂  Although Hestia should be just an interface to whatever service is providing the DNS.

  6. Hello.

    My site is hosted in a VPS, previously it was hosted in Tommy.

    Back when it was in Tommy, I could get to the site either by typing: "www.infantex.com.mx", or: "infantex.com.mx".

    Now, if I type: "infantex.com.mx", I can get to the site, but, if I type: "www.infantex.com.mx", i just get a: "Success! Your new web server is ready to use" page.

    My VPS was configured with Hestia CP, so I guess the success page is a default Nginx page.

    My DNS is setup in Cloudflare. I have an A record "www" pointing to my VPS's IP.

    From some evidence, I presume that previously, in Tommy, the "www" record was a CNAME one (I have an infantex.mx site still in Tommy and its www record is a CNAME record, so I'm extrapolating).

    However, I changed the www record from A to CNAME and pointed it to the root domain (infantex.com.mx) but it's still not working (after some hours after the change).

    Googling, I found that setting "Use always HTTPS" on in Cloudflare should correct this. Still no luck.

    I also found several script recommendations to solve this, not really a consensus. I don't know which file the script modifications refer to or where the files are/should be located (practically zero Linux or Sys Admin experience here). Also, I never did anything remotely like that when the site was hosted in Tommy (I would remember), it just worked.

    I checked the Hestia UI and found the Nginx configuration page. There are two versions: Basic and Advanced. In Basic, there's no evident option for www to non-www redirection. In Advanced, I can see the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file, but don't know how to begin modifying it.

    For example, one of the recommendations is to set different servers for www.infantex.com.mx and infantex.com.mx, like:

    server {
    	server_name www.infantex.com.mx;
            return 301 ...
    server {
    	server_name infantex.com.mx;
            # real configuration goes here...

    But the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf I see in Hestia CP has not a single server section (?). I can see there's an events and an http section. I could bracket everything in the file into a server{} and add another server{} with the return 301 but I wouldn't know what I would be doing and I'm more likely to break what's working.


    What should I do? Is it a question of DNS? Is it a question of Nginx configuration? Is it a matter of Hestia configuration? Something else?


  7. Just for your reference, I know I have DMARC and DKIM records set. I set them up in Cloudflare and checked them in dmarcanalyzer.com (about a month ago).




    For some reason (probably by design?), dig doesn't return DKIM and DMARC records, even though they're TXT records.

    I searched, and found that you have to use the following syntax to query for DKIM and DMARC records using dig:

    dig selector._domainkey.domain txt
    dig _dmarc.domain txt

    Tried it with my site and obtained the corresponding records.

    I still don't know how garena.com-originated emails are able to pass DKIM and SPF checks... Or I may be reading the DMARC report wrong.

    The auth_results section lists both DKIM and SPF tests as pass, but the policy_evaluated section (for the same record, if I'm reading correctly) lists them both as fail. I'm baffled!

    As for the ~all qualifier, since I don't know any better and it's the configuration recommended by Google (at least for beginners), I used it.

  8. 20 hours ago, balloons said:

    Include it in the TXT record of the name server for your domain

    What should I include?

    According to what I read, I already have all the necessary TXT records set up (SPF, DKIM and DMARC).

    Do you mean I would get the answer to my question by including something in some unspecified TXT record? (My question was how an e-mail originating from garena.com was able to pass my DKIM and SPF rules?)


  9. I already have a VPS (vps40), thanks. I was asking about a promo (?) for an extra GB in the VPSs.

    This is the post:

    But, upon checking the VPS offerings on your page, I see the Mercury configuration already lists 2 GB of memory as the standard offering, so I guess that's the amount of memory I have on my vps40.


  10. Hi, all.

    After the cPanel "incident" with Tommy, I got a VPS to (temporally?) host my website. I still haven't everything ironed out. One thing I never did when hosted on Tommy was setup e-mail verification (DKIM, SPF, DMARC). I think some of that stuff was handled by cPanel.

    Well. My e-mail is served by Google (I have a legacy free Google Apps account) not by the VPS (and not by Tommy before). And I'm following Google's tutorial for DMARC implementation (https://support.google.com/a/answer/10032473?ref_topic=2759254).

    Right now I have the following SPF record:

    v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all

    And the following DMARC record:

    v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=15; rua=mailto:dmarc@infantex.com.mx

    We are really small (one location, three people managing less than ten e-mail accounts: each person's plus some generic ones like sales, invoicing, contact, etc.), so I'm confident none of our (legit) e-mail is originating from outside the country. 🙂

    However, according to a DMARC report I just received from Google, an e-mail originating from the host garena.com was able to pass both SPF and DKIM checks! I don't know that host and have no relationship with them whatsoever.

    Do you know how could they pass SPF and DKIM?

    I'm attaching the report, and here's the relevant part:


    I'm also a little confused, the auth_results section reports a pass for DKIM and SPF but the policy_evaluated section reports them as fail.

    Any comments or ideas?



  11. Hello, everybody.

    I'm still in the process of setting up a VPS to host my domains until Tommy is fully back.

    I had a problem with blocked emails and learned a little more than I wanted about SPF, DKIM and that kind of stuff.  🙂 

    One issue I'm still having is that I need to set up reverse DNS for one of the domains. I know I have to ask to have it done for me, that it's something I can't do myself.

    However, I don't know what the rDNS should point to, so I can ask properly. The mail server? The VPS name?

    The VPS is vps40.heliohost.us

    It currently hosts two domains:

    • infantex.com.mx
    • zaldivar.mx

    infantex.com.mx's mail is handled by Google (an old free G Suite deal).

    zaldivar.mx's is handled by the VPS (via Hestia). And this domain's email is the one lacking rDNS.

    Here's the relevant part from mail-tester.com:


    From this, I'd gather that the reverse DNS should point to vps40.heliohost.us and not zaldivar.mx (or mail.zaldivar.mx), even though the mail is from zaldivar.mx. It also makes sense in case I end up adding another domain to the VPS. But... am I correct?

    Also, what would be the best practice in naming the VPS that's hosting the sites? Is it OK to let it at "vps40.heliohost.us" or would a personalized domain be better? Or is it simply irrelevant?



  12. Thanks for your help, @pctips.

    I now understand (kind of) that I was trying to set the PHP options for the domain, and I only had a "default" PHP template availabe for that). With your help, I was able to enable PHP 5.6 on the server and, afterwards, select a PHP 5.6 template for the domain. Voilá! The contacto.php web page is now working, including the mini map!

    Clarification for you and @balloons regarding the domains:

    infantex.com.mx is the main, original site. It's just a static website that was hosted on Tommy (and previously on Ricky, and before that on Johnny, I don't remember). Mail for this domain is handled by Google Apps (now Google Worskspace?).

    A couple of years ago, I secured the infantex.mx domain name, and the only thing I did was to set it as an alias to infantex.com.mx in Tommy's cPanel (I think). I never got to adding emails, etc.

    I moved the domain infantex.com.mx to the VPS. I didn't do anything with infantex.mx, so I guess that's why it's still on Tommy (which means I don't really understand how aliases work) or because the Registrar's records for infantex.mx still points to heliohost.org's nameservers.

    So, yes: infantex.com.mx is on the VPS and infantex.mx is on Tommy (I guess this turned out to be kind of fortunate).

    Additionally, I have the zaldivar.mx domain that I only use for email (so that the family can have emails with our surname 🙂). No website for this domain. Mail for this domain was serviced by Tommy (I still haven't been able to set the email for this domain correctly, I correct one thing and another stops working 😬).

  13. On 7/30/2021 at 12:06 PM, jnorden said:

    Any estimate on the timeline for ricky?  If it'll be a while, I could cobble together a short "howto" outlining how I've been managing my ricky site via sshfs.  It will only work for folks using linux desktops, but if it encourages anyone to leave the Evil empires of Cupertino and Redmond, all the better!


    I would love to see that guide. 

    I don't have any experience with Linux nor a Linux desktop... but I have a quasi-brand-new Ubuntu with Hestia VPS (with HelioHost, of course!), so I do have a Linux box.

    I may put that guide to good use, I've been kind of struggling to set everything up OK, and would love to see some practical examples and tips.

  14. Thanks for your suggestion.

    Did that. PHP is working and the installed version is 7.4.21 (https://infantex.com.mx/info.php).

    I didn't really have doubts that PHP was working, all the pages are PHP files and only that one file is not working.

    But, with your suggestion, I used FTP to upload the info.php file to the mirror site hosted (still) by Tommy, and found out it's running PHP 5.4.45 (https://infantex.mx/info.php), which makes sense since this site was written in 2010, with only minor updates (that involved copying, pasting and modifying the code for the products page, when adding new products, or commenting them out when some were discontinued --- At some point I added a HotJar reference, and minor stuff like that).

    I didn't see an obvious way in Hestia to change the PHP version. Surely, when Tommy was upgraded to a newer PHP version years ago (?), I  must have downgraded the version. I guess cPanel had a more obvious way to do that. I took a look in Hestia's manual, but the GUI section is seriously lacking. 

    Up to now, I've been doing everything in the GUI. Do you know if I can use command-line instructions (there should be one to change PHP version) or would that conflict with the GUI's settings)? Zero experience with Linux here!

    I've had very little time to work on this, I'm kind of a one-man-orchestra when it comes to management of the business and I've been mostly engaged with end-of-month accounting stuff this week. 😬


  15. Hi, all.

    I've been trying to set up a VPS to use while Tommy is rebuilt.

    One of my sites has a contacto.php page that shows a: "This page is not working. The page infantex.com.mx is unable to process this request. HTTP ERROR 500":


    However, the same page, hosted by Tommy, partially works (it should show a Google map of the business location, I don't know when it started showing a blank rectangle instead).

    Oops! It doesn't show anymore on Tommy. I guess Tommy is finally down. [EDIT: Now it shows again, Seems Tommy was not definitively down yet.]

    I say: "it was working on Tommy" because a have another site: infantex.mx, which is an alias of the main one: infantex.com.mx (at least, I think that's how I set them up in Tommy's CPanel), and when I accessed the infantex.mx/contacto.php page, it showed, whilst infantex.com.mx/contacto.php resulted in the HTTP 500 ERROR shown above.

    Any idea why I'm getting this error 500 with the page? I did not program the page, neither do I program in PHP, but I could take a look at it if you helped me with your suggestions.

    In fact, the programming of the other pages may be substandard (or maybe just old). For example, the productos.php tried to generate thumbnails on the fly but the function that the programmer used stopped working a while ago and I just added hard-coded thumbnails (I guess Tommy's PHP version was updated?). Anyways, the script was creating a LOT of temporary files!

    I appreciate your help, specially with the non-working contacto.php page.




  16. What I ended up doing was using Cloudflare for DNS.

    I had to temporally revert the DNS at my Registrar's to ns1 and ns2.heliohost.org, so that I could add it to Cloudflare.

    I set the SPF (actually a TXT record properly formatted for SPF: v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all).

    Around 15 minutes after that, it began to propagate, as per WhatsMyDNS.net results (when I did the same in Hestia it NEVER propagated).

    A couple of hours later, I tested with dmarcanalyzer.com's SPF record check tool and got a passing result.

    As I final test, I programmed an email to be sent tomorrow during working hours to the same customer that blocked me in the first place. Hopefully, it won't be blocked this time.

    I don't know why the SPF record didn't propagate from my VPS.


  17. For webmail, try webmail.mydomain.lu and/or mail.mydomain.lu. The reason for this is that Hestia should have configured A DNS records for mail and webmail to your VPS's IP.

    For the other things you're asking, sorry, no idea. I don't even know what awstats are. 🙂 

    One question for you: How did you change the ssh port? I would also like to do that (new VPS with Hestia, still struggling to set it up).


  18. Thanks for your answer.

    There was an SPF record in Hestia, paired to the VPS's IP, I changed it to "v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all" as per Google's instructions (instructions didn't include the quote marks, the existing record had them, I left them there 😬). I'll let the change propagate for a while and test again later.


    Five days later and the SPF record still hasn't propagated! Am I doing something wrong? I'm still getting my email blocked.

    I used the SPF record checker of the DMARC Analyzer site (https://www.dmarcanalyzer.com/es/spf-3/checker/) and I got the old record (originally created by Hestia SPF record):

    v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all

    Is this normal after five days of having changed it?


    I tried the following:

    Servidor predeterminado:  2806-1020-ffff-0004-0000-0000-0000-000e.ipv6.infinitum.net.mx
    Address:  2806:1020:ffff:4::e
    > server
    Servidor predeterminado:  []
    > set q=TXT
    > infantex.com.mx
    Servidor:  []
    infantex.com.mx text =
            "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all"

    So, to my surprise, even my VPS is returning the old SPF record, so it's not a propagation thing. I don't know.


    The correct SPF record is there. What am I doing wrong?

    I will delete that record (I edited it from Hestia's original) and add it again. I don't know what else to do.

    Any ideas?


    I deleted the SPF record and entered it again.

    Still, no luck.

    I deleted the record. Used nslookup and got the (deleted) old record.

    I added the new record. nslookup still returned the old record... even if I was using my own VPS as nameserver.

    Shouldn't, in that case, the change be reflected immediately?


    At some point, as per @wolstech suggestion, I modified the NS record that pointed to ns1.heliohost.us and pointed it to ns1.infantex.com.mx, and deleted the NS record that pointed to ns2.heliohost.us. Later, on my own accord, after noticing that the DNS zone listed ns1.heliohost.us as SOA, I modified it, as well, to point to ns1.infantex.com.mx.

    I don't know if that could be a problem. I just reverted the SOA to ns1.heliohost.us but I'm acting blindly here.

    EDIT: I tried last week to move the DNS managment to Cloudflare (new to it) to see if that could solve the problem (and also so I wouldn't need to fiddle with this after returning to Tommy) but I couldn't add the domain to Cloudflare, I got an error: "Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of infantex.com.mx at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later." I  just tried again and got the same result.

    Last Thursday, after failing to add the domain to Clodflare, I checked DNS propagation with WhatsMyDNS.net (https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/infantex.com.mx) and, while some servers listed my VPS's IP, most listed ns1.heliohost.us. Today, all list the VPS's IP (

  19. Hi, everybody.

    First, I don't know whether this problem is related to the move, especially since the mail from my domain is managed by Google Workspaces, but it just started after the move yesterday.

    Today I was blocked by a client I has been corresponding with for years. This is the return message I received:


    It translates to:

    The message has been blocked.
    Your message to dguerrero@elnuevomundo.com has been blocked. For more information see the following technical data:
    This is the response from the remote server:
    550 permanent failure...

    I sent an email to M@ilGenius to check for problems (first email spam test I found googling) and the problem seems to be the SPF records:


    Here's the detail:


    I use my personal Gmail account to send (and read) my infantex.com.mx's mail (via smtp.gmail.com). Nothing has changed there.

    I mean, the only change from yesterday is that the infantex.com.mx domain was previously hosted on Tommy and as of yesterday night I moved it to my HelioHost VPS. I use Hestia control panel, I didn't select "enable email" when creating the domain and I set the corresponding MX records in the DNS zone to point to the relevant Google servers (ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM, and such).

    Any ideas? Would it help to diagnose the problem if Iposted the raw email content?

  20. What I did, as per @wolstech suggestion, was to add, at my registrar, my own site as DNS.

    As you mention, my registrar required that the DNS be a domain, so I entered: "ns1.infantex.com.mx" (infantex.com.mx is my domain). I guess the registrar detected I was using my own domain as DNS and enabled a field where I could enter the VPS's IP (@wolstech referred to this as "glue").

    Try it, it should work.

    EDIT: I forgot, you need two DNSs. I don't know if you could enter ns1. and ns2.yourdomain.com, both with the same IP. 🙂 Or use some third-party DNS as the second one (Cloudfare, ClouDNS, ...). I haven't used them.

    • Like 1
  21. Could it be possible that, when the accounts in Tommy get restored from backup, once Plesk is installed and configured, my backup be restored to an account named infantex instead of infantx.

    I had to use the later because I changed servers and, so, there already existed an infantex account in the forums.


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