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Everything posted by infantex
Oh! I didn't receive the emails... and I just found out why. I centralize all my email activity in GMail but, since September, GMail hadn't been able to retrieve Hotmail emails, and that was the email account linked to my infantx account in HelioHost. My "main" email account (GMail) is linked to my VPS. Everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks.
Hello. It seems I just had my IP changed. I noticed because I tried to send an e-mail (I use GMail) and got the message rejected. I already changed the DNS records (including the SPF one) to the new IP. The website was up inmediatly... But I can't still send e-mails. Did the authentification for Tommy also changed. I use tommy.heliohost.org as the server name (back from using tommy2... some weeks or months ago).
Hello. It seems I just had my IP changed. I noticed because I tried to send an e-mail (I use GMail) and got the message rejected. I already changed the DNS records (including the SPF one) to the new IP. The website was up inmediatly... But I can't still send e-mails. Did the authentification for Tommy also changed. I use tommy.heliohost.org as the server name (back from using tommy2... some weeks or months ago).
Thanks, found them. I was looking for something like a site-wide setting, not a per-mailbox one. Every mailbox has the spam filter on and the sensitivity at the default 7. We use GMail to get the e-mails from Tommy's servers, so I set up a filter to erase incoming messages from the "GMail Team" (mail-noreply@google.com) with the phrase: "contained a virus or a suspicious attachment", so that should take care of the flooded inbox. I also found a recent message in HelioHost's Discord stating: "Gmail must have messed with their filters again", because "spam [was] up". So GMail may be the culprit here. Hard to say because there was no follow up to that comment (in was in the General channel, not in Support). Not for the time being, no, thanks. I'm hoping the GMail filter will take care of the current spam flooding problem... and that GMail will adjust their own filters as well. Regards,
I was moved during the weekend and completed setting up DNS, etc., yesterday. Today I was received by over 7 thousand spam messages in my inbox! I mean, I guess I was receiving spam before, but the spam filter catched most and only a handful ended up in my inbox (about 2 to 5 daily), which was a nuisance but workable. But now, having to sift through thousands of emails is going to take forever. Did you guys disabled the spam filter for the moved accounts? Did I do something inadvertently to turn it off? I don't see a spam filter option in the Mail Settings tab.
I also use an external DNS (Cloudflare). I think you should also mention in the e-mail the need to update the MX and SPF records, if applicable.
I am on a different (supposedly temporary, but long term 😄) IP, will it also change when I get moved to the new server? Just to be aware so I can modify my settings on Cloudflare when I get moved.
Since it's taking long to restore Tommy from its DDoS attack, I moved the web and email services to the VPN. It seems I got mail right but for the website I'm getting an Internal Server Error (Error Code: 500), any ideas?
Thanks. I checked and I'm getting the same IP I registered in CloudFlare. Guess Krydos still has not gotten to change the IP on my account.
OK. Bad news. My nameserver is CloudFlare. I'll need to check Plesk for the new IP... but I can't login at heliohost.org. Will we be emailed when our account gets moved to a new IP? I guess, at that time, I'll be able to login. Is it me being unable to login an indication that my account has still to get moved?
User: infantx Server: Tommy Domain: infantex.com.mx There was a brief interruption this morning, both in the VPS (vps40) and Tommy (website and email). Then, the site was up again, but, almost immediatly, it went down and has remained down for about 4 hours. Mail is also not working and I can't login to the control panel.
My website is, finally, back online but, how can I prevent its deactivation in the future? You mentioned something about a .well-known directory being accessible but I don't really understand what you're refering to. Based on the answers given to other people having the same problem I posted the permission settings for said folder (rwx r-x r-x) and the contents of my .htaccess file: What should I do?
Here's my .htaccess file: # php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit # Set the “ea-php54” package as the default “PHP” programming language. <IfModule mime_module> AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php54 .php .php5 .phtml </IfModule> # php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit I see it was generated way back by cPanel (I guess). From what I see, it only mentions PHP settings. I do use PHP 5.6.40 because newer versions "break" my contact form.
OK. I found Status control in Plesk (I thought you were refering only to subdomains and didn't pay much attention at first) and changed it to Active for my three domains, but the sites remain inaccessible: I keep getting the default web server's page and the message that there's no website at my address.
I don't know what you mean with: Do I have a .well-known directory? How do I make sure that it is accessible? I checked and, right now, only the main page is accessible, I can access none of the other pages; I get an error: The requested URL /preguntas.php was not found on this server (to name one of the pages, for example). I logged into Plesk and there's a .well-known directory under public_html, permissions for group and others are read and execute, is it accessible as is, or should it have also write access for group and/or others? Would that be secure? Also, permissions for the files of my pages (preguntas.php, quienes_somos.php, contacto.php and productos.php), are all the same: Owner: rw-, Group and Others: r--. Same for index.php, but only it is accessible. My whole site is gone now! I only get the Web Server's Default Page, and Plesk states that: "You see this page because there is no Web site at this address." Well, there was!
Hello. I tried to send an email in response to the contact form in my website and got an error message: 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure I use GMail to connect to my different email accounts, I have not changed passwords neither in Plesk nor in GMail. I tried to login directly to webmail to check the password but I the get an error 503 Service Temporarly Unavailable. User: infantx Site: infantex.com.mx Server: Tommy
Mostly, they're given to us directly by the interested party. We mainly correspond with people we have a bussiness relationship with, i.e., customers and suppliers. Some other emails we gather from our contact form on our website, which are usually prospective customers asking for quotations, and the occasional prospective supplier offering products they consider we may be interested in. We don't have subscriptions lists, i.e., we don't send massive emails. Almost all of our emails are targeted towards a unique recipient. As such, we don't have an unsuscribe link or option in the email. When people don't want to continue receiving our mails, they usually write us to provide an alternative, updated address the emails should be addressed to... or they may provide an additional address they want us to send another copy of the emails to. And I say "almost" because we have send (kind of) massive emails. They were Christmas Card emails send to our regular clients and main suppliers. But they weren't that "massive", I mean, I entered the emails one by one, by hand. That's a though one. I mean 50 seems pretty low but, how many would it be enough? There's two people sending email from the infantex.com.mx domain. Yesterday, I sent 20 emails. Let's say the other person sends another 20. Then, there's this account (info) we use to answer emails we receive from the contact form, on a busy day that would be 5-10 (there's days we don't receive any). An also the "fiscal" account (cfdi) which we use to send invoices, etc. During our high season (back-to-school) we would be making five shipments daily but, mostly, invoices have to be sent to multiple addresses (the buyer and her assistants, accounts payable, warehouse, the occasional manager...), so it may be around 20. All in all, 100 emails a day may suffice, I would go with 200, just to be on the safe side. I'm attaching several samples: A reply to a request for quotation from a regular client. Sending new price list to a regular customer. A reply to a customer asking us to participate in a promotion event. A shipment notification. A conversation with our bank executives. Regards, P.S. I tried to attach the emails but they were rejected with a message that the maximum total size for attachments is only 21.8 kB (is that correct? I didn't use to have this problem). Instead, I uploaded them to a folder in my site: https://infantex.com.mx/files/email-samples/ new-price-list.eml
Hello. I would like to have my email limit increased to 20 per hour per account. Since Plesk replaced cPanel and I moved my email to Tommy, the limit of 10 emails/h seemed somehow limited. I couldn't increase it then and I can't increase it know. However low it seemed to me, I had never hit it... until today that I was sending the new price list for this year to our customer base and began receiving returned mails that couldn't be delivered. I solved it scheduling the emails to be send later, but I would really like to have that restriction raised. Nothing spectacular, I would think that 20 per hour should suffice. Can it be done?
This time, it worked. However, I had already solved the problem adding a DNS zone for infantex.com.mx and copying the DKIM record from there. As I mentioned in a previous post: I don't know whether I would have gotten the necessary records if I had run that command before creating (?) the records the way I did. Also, I could never get the mail and webmail.infantex.com.mx addresses to work. Anyways, I'm now back on Tommy. Regards,
It didn't work. infantex@vps40:~$ sudo v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns infantx infantex.com.mx [sudo] password for infantex: sudo: v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns: command not found
I don't think there's a forecast. Krydos is working on this issue.
What I ended up doing is adding a DNS zone for infantex.com.mx (althoug it won't be used), deactivating DKIM for the domain and activating it again so that a DKIM record was created, and copied it's contents to Cloudflare. It seems to have worked. I used mailgenius to check it. DKIM turned out to be OK, but I was surprised to learn that both my domain (infantex.com.mx) and the VPS's IP ( were blacklisted! Mailgenius report: https://app.mailgenius.com/spam-test/979562 However, upon checking https://check.spamhaus.org/, neither one appears to be listed. Should I research more on this subject? By the way, the v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns command still gives me an error.
Since my DNS is hosted by Cloudflare, there's nothing under DNS. So no mail._domainkey record to copy from. DNS page in HestiaCP image: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nifCVxC9n I found (https://forum.hestiacp.com/t/solved-invalid-signature-of-dkim/3028) that when using an external DNS service, you can use the `v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns` command to query the correct records. However, it didn't work for me. I get an error: infantex@vps40:~$ v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns infantx infantex.com.mx /usr/local/hestia/func/main.sh: line 1548: /usr/local/hestia/conf/hestia.conf: Permission denied Error: user infantx doesn't exist /usr/local/hestia/func/main.sh: line 100: /usr/local/hestia/log/error.log: Permission denied infantex@vps40: I have three users in HestiaCP: admin, infantx and zaldivar. The infantex.com.mx domain belongs to the infantx user, but I get the same error no matter which user I enter. I even tried with user infantex (the user I to log into my VPS with) to no avail. Users image: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nifpVxCPN I do have an A webmail record pointing to my VPS's IP in Cloudflare. DNS records in Cloudflare image: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nifGVxC9F Note: I still can´t post images in messages (it complains about exceding a maximum image size, 21 KB today). Is this something you have recently changed? I used to post screenshoots without problems before.
Update: Configured the other infantex.com.mx email accounts in GMail, both reading (POP3) and sending (SMTP). Everything seemed to be OK, received several emails after configuring, so it seems to be working. Send an email and also worked... but it landed in spam. I may need to recheck my DMARC/DKIM/SPF configuration. The only thing I did was to add the VPS's IP to the SPF record, so now it reads: "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ~all". I didn't change the DKIM record (I don't remember where I got the current value.) Configured also mail for zaldivar.mx. SPF record for that domain is a little different, though: "v=spf1 a mx ip4: ip4: -all" Still, no webmail (for any of the domains).
Well, I suppose it is. I just added a mail domain in HestiaCP and added three accounts there: (I tried to add a screenshot here but since this morning I'm getting the error: "You can opload a total of 21.8 kB", well, in the morning the limit was 70-something). Here´s a link to the image of the list of email accounts: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nherVxADH Image of mail domain configuration: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nhe0VxAD7 Image of an example account configuration: https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0nheTVxADR I don't know if I have to activate the mail server somewhere else in HestiaCP. Edit: GMail is reading correctly the two accounts I setup this morning. I didn't do anything, just let it rest. So POP3 seems to be working. webmail is still not accesible.