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Everything posted by wwe9112

  1. I want a PS3 but to much money. I have a PSP, and they are pretty cool IMO.
  2. I wanted to see it but didnt. I'm buying it when it comes out on DVD.
  3. I know where you got that, I gave you the site for a pic, lol. But thanks.
  4. I'd use C# which is C Sharp. Its close to VB, but its not. Its used for making stuff like software. You can dl it from microsoft, just search it on google.
  5. Do they still make this show, I wanna see it.
  6. Heres some features. Add and subtract money. Add in pics of the item It will give the person who buys it auto with out the admin doing it(for certain items like change name, color name etc) Mods for the store to watch over it and add items.
  7. I dont like it, better than what I can do but still, it has a future if you will, but the person who made it was in a rush IMO.
  8. Sorry bout that lol, Glad u like her, Shes so freaking hot IMO.
  9. Well [bleeped!] lol, thats alot of reading and i enjoyed it, hehe. But yea that guy isnt begging for posting, we are begging for websites if u think about it.
  10. I like, Family Guy, Hanna Montanna(shes hot), THats so Raven(Ravens hot lol) Jimmy Neutron,I LOVE ALL CARTOONS lol. FYI: Im under 18 im 14
  11. How do u test it? Sorry to ask such a noob question.
  12. Why are you such a prick, the big bang is the most dumbest thing in the world. Come on seriously, even if there was a big bang what made the big bang happen. Heres my theory God said it and a BANG it happen!! I'm you have the right to believe what you want, but when God(Jesus) does come back for the 2nd coming, you will regret, and if your living like there is no God you better be right. I'm not a religious person, but I do pray to gods, and ask for help and thank him for where I am to day even as a 13 year old.
  13. Well Ive know bout this, but his doctor got in trouble for posting about the death on that site above, he gave him some sort of medisene(spelling) and it coused him to go off the hook or something they still arent sure, but the doctor his in really big trouble. The guy was an awsome wrestler to say the least, he gave 100% in everything he does. I dont respect him as a man but I do as a wrestler.
  14. hmmm. that would be cool but why not just make the mod Ur self find it on the net somewhere.
  15. From my knowledge, yes. But there will be a huge war between good and evil so if the dead people weren't saved by GOD and gave there life to him the will be on the anti Christ side(the anti Christ will be the devil)
  16. OK I have a request... How about we can choose between the different types of acp.
  17. Thanks, I found a program on my computer called Belteck(sp) business card maker(Sp), i bought this computer from yard sale and it was on there.
  18. wwe9112


    No I mean like on brave host, and stuff, I'm going to try to use that to get some exp in this stuff, then after i figure it out use this one.
  19. wwe9112


    How do u use directories, do u put everything in one directory please help. Also when using a template, how many times do u upload it. For every new page or whate.
  20. I got a new one since I'm getting a site its IPBfree its pretty good, I think I'll do quite well with it, sorry for such a dumb post.
  21. FYEWWW, I tend to get into trouble at school for saying stuff in a different way than I meant.
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