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  1. yeah, like basically all my sites use php 7.2
  2. I feel like with PHP, after a single update a LOT of code breaks. It's pretty frustrating.
  3. I've gotta say thanks to heliohost too. They have let me host my site so I don't have to stick with other free hosting providers, which suck 99.9999% of the time. HelioHost is awesome. Thanks to those who own Heliohost, and admins, and mods.
  4. Can I please add "coolpeopleonly.minihoot.helioho.st" to my account please? My username is minihoot. Thanks!
  5. thank you
  6. I would like to add 2 domains please. The domains will be galpla.heliohost.us and galpla.helioho.st. Thanks!
  7. Thanks Krydos.
  8. Thank you sir/madam.
  9. Can I please have 2 domains? The domains are cedar.minihoot.heliohost.us, and test.minihoot.heliohost.us. Thanks!
  10. Also, I want to either leave the domain, or move it to my account, because I put a forum thing on it. Me and my friends use the forum so I don't want to share the link, if Krydos or someone else needs it I will message it to them.
  11. So before I had my own heliohost account, I used my friends. I registered my own domain on my friends, which was minihoot.helioho.st. Now I have my own account, do I have to remove the domain from my friends account? What do I do? I don't want to be suspended for having alts or anything.
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