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  1. Thanks, it's working fine now! I got my account back successfully!
  2. Hi! I got the email to register a little bit late, so my invitation code to Johnny Server with Plesk expired, i'm wondering if i could get a new invitation code or what do i have to do to get a new invitation code: Errors i'm getting:
  3. Thanks, i go to use that
  4. The Image is this: https://gomgo.heliohost.us/Screen.png
  5. Hi, my domain works fine, i have not any problem with it, but in the File manager, i created a new Folder outside public_html, and when i want to acces like MyFolder.gomgo.helihost.us or to my Host IP, I receive this message: [Attached Image] I wait more than 72 Hours and i still receiving this message, I want to know if is a problem in the hosting or if i'm doing somethingh bad
  6. Hi, my domain works fine, i have not any problem with it, but in the File manager, i created a new Folder outside public_html, and when i want to acces like MyFolder.gomgo.helihost.us, I receive this message: [Attached Image] I wait more than 72 Hours and i still receiving this message
  7. Ok, it solved now, i can acces to horde, thanks
  8. Hi! I want to use my e-mail (gomgo@gomgo.heliohost.us) to send and receive e-mail, how do i login in the e-mail. i use Windows, so use Windows Live Mail is my option, but is impossible, windows live mail is actuatually discontinued and impossible to use, so i can't use it, i tried to send me the instructions, but i don't receive anythingh, i tried to use the webmail with roundcube and horde, but i get 500 Error, so i want to use the e-mail, what can i do? Thanks Edit: I'm in the Johnny's Server
  9. Thankyou
  10. Please, can you unlock my IP for HelioHost? Username: gomgo Server: Johnny Thanks
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