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Everything posted by Elivmar
I was able to BETA test Lord of The Rings Online and Guild Wars. I don't think they worry about online BETA testing since you need an account usually.
That's strange. If I take out the Mysql connections it works fine. When I put the connections back in it goes slow again, yet it's only with this page. EDIT: For some reason it's going normal speed now
So what does everyone like to do? I recently got into fishing. Something I never thought I would like. I moved to a house on the water and since i'm able to do it often it's more fun. I also like swimming, camping, Warhammer 40K, playing Wii, Computer, and Watching movies. That about sums up what I like to do xD.
I never saw the point of it. It seems a lot like club penguin to me. I'd much rather reactivate my WoW account, which I deactivated because it was boring, than spend money on virtual clothes and furniture.
I get this problem too. It used to be more frequent when I first joined and I wouldn't be able to get on for a whole day sometimes. Now it doesn't happen as much or last as long. I use Firefox and have a cable connection. Also I referred my friend here and he wasn't able to get to the forums at all and still can't.
For some reason my site has been going incredibly slow. Although it's only one page on the site. This Page Every other page goes fine except for that one. Not sure what's wrong with it except I only have about 15 lines of code on that page so I don't think it's from my end. Thanks, -Elivmar
the new iphone will it be good
Elivmar replied to the_god_2000's topic in Technology and the Internet
It looks amazing and is probably worth the $600 that it costs. I have a friend who has it and loves it. However there is one MAJOR reason I wont get it. $60 a month to use! My friend parents pay the phone part of $40 a month and he has to pay the $20 of internet. Not worth $60 when I can just come home for the internet. My Razr has free music, camera, video camera, and a phone. Maybe when the Iphone price goes down I'll consider it. -
Yea, I can't view it though. My page freezes up when it's loading.
I just finished coding my registration script which I am hoping to use on my website. I was hoping someone could answer one question and also just take a look over the script. My first question is my use of Regex. I tried to make it so that they can only use letters, numbers, and underscores in their name. So far the most I was able to do is make it so they can't have names like $%^&$^, but the problem i'm having is if they use a combination like Hello!@# it doesn't give the error. How can I fix this? Also if someone can look over my script and tell me if it's secure enough to use on my website that would be appreciated too. Thanks . NOTE: The script has a lot of notes all over so it's easy to read. <html> <?php //CONNECT TO DB mysql_connect("****","***","***") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("***") or die(mysql_error()); //CHECK IF USER HAS SUBMITTED THEIR INFO if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //IF INFO IS SUBMITTED SETS INFO TO VARIABLES $username = strtolower($_POST['username']); $displayname = $_POST['displayname']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; $email = strtolower($_POST['email']); $month = $_POST['month']; $day = $_POST['day']; $year = $_POST['year']; $birthdate = $month."-".$day."-".$year; if (preg_match('/[0-9a-zA-z_]+/', $username)){ if (preg_match('/[0-9a-zA-z_]+/', $displayname)){ //SET QUERIES FOR USE OF CHECKS LATER $checkusername = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); $checkdisplayname = mysql_query("SELECT displayname FROM users WHERE displayname = '$displayname'") or die(mysql_error()); $checkemail = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = '$email'") or die(mysql_error()); //CHECK IF ANY FIELDS ARE NULL if($username == '' || $displayname == ''|| $password == ''|| $password2 == ''|| $email == '') { die("One of your fields were not filled out!"); } //PASSWORDS MATCH elseif($password != $password2) { die("Your passwords did not match!"); } //MAKE SURE FIELDS ARE LONG ENOUGH elseif($username != strtolower($displayname)) { die("Your username and display name should be the same! However your display name will be how your name is displayed, like showing capitals."); } elseif(strlen($username) < 3 || strlen($displayname) < 3 || strlen($email) < 5 || strlen($password) < 3) { die("Either your username, displayname, email, or password were to short!"); } //MAKE SURE USERNAME ISNT TAKEN elseif(mysql_num_rows($checkusername) !== 0) { die("That username is already in use!"); } //MAKE SURE DN ISNT TAKEN elseif(mysql_num_rows($checkdisplayname) !== 0) { die("That Display name is already in use!"); } //MAKE SURE EMAIL ISNT TAKEN elseif(mysql_num_rows($checkemail) !== 0) { die("That Email is already in use!"); } //MAKES SURE INFO IS SECURE. CHECK SECURITY elseif(htmlentities($email) != $email || mysql_real_escape_string($email) != $email || strip_tags($email) != $email || stripslashes($email) != $email) { die("Please use proper characters! No HTML, PHP, etc...!"); } //MAKES SURE THERE IS NO WHITE SPACE elseif(trim($username) != $username || trim($displayname) != $displayname || trim($email) != $email) { die("Please do not put any white space in your fields!"); } else { //GETS DATE AND ENCRYPTS PASSWORD $currentdate = date("m/d/y"); $password3 = md5($password2); //INSERTS INTO DB mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, displayname, password, email, birthday, signedup, money, staff) VALUES('$username','$displayname','$password3','$email','$birthdate','$currentdate','100','no')") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Registered!<br><a href = 'index.php'>Home</a>"; } } //ERRORS FOR REGEX ABOVE else { die("Your display name can only contain Letters, Numbers, and Underscores"); } } else { die("Your username can only contain Letters, Numbers, and Underscores"); } } //IF THEY HAVE NOT SUBMITTED THEIR DATA THIS ALLOWS THEM TO ENTER IT else { echo "<form action = 'register.php' method = 'post'> Username:<input type = 'text' name = 'username'><br> Display Name:<input type = 'text' name = 'displayname'><br> Password:<input type = 'password' name = 'password'><br> Re-Enter Password: <input type = 'password' name = 'password2'><br> Email:<input type = 'text' name = 'email'><br> Birthday:<select name = 'month'> <option>January</option> <option>February</option> <option>March</option> <option>April</option> <option>May</option> <option>June</option> <option>July</option> <option>August</option> <option>September</option> <option>October</option> <option>November</option> <option>December</option> </select><select name = 'day'>"; $startday = '1'; while($startday < 32) { echo "<option>".$startday."</option>"; $startday = $startday + 1; } echo "</select><select name = 'year'>"; $startyear = '1920'; while($startyear < 2004) { echo "<option>".$startyear."</option>"; $startyear = $startyear + 1; } echo "</select><br> <input type = 'submit' name = 'submit' value = 'register'> </form>"; } ?> </html> And you can test the script at http://mattgib.heliohost.org/register.php. Also not sure if it will still be there when you look at it but theres some PHP errors at the top but they appear to be part of the ads on top and not my script.
The good rock songs on the album are No More Sorrow, What I've Done, and Given Up. A good rap one is Bleed it Out. If you give Hands Held High and Valentine's Day a chance their not to bad.
I don't lag on any of the other realms either. I think Blizzard mostly does it to control the population on each realm.
Yea, stacking was fun but there will prbably be some whole new type of thing to do on battle.net. I just hope it isn't like DOTA lol. Ya, USEAST XD. One day I could go on a vrs you on US WEST though lol.
I've had a Wii since it came out and love it. The xbox 360 is like a hyped-up xbox. Nothing different or special about it. Although, because the 360 has GOW and Halo 3 I would choose it over a PS3. Wii has SSBB and Zelda, motion sensors, and unique features. The 360 has...really good graphics. Don't get me wrong, graphics are important, but gameplay is MUCH more important.
Yea, the 3D engine is cool, however there wont be anymore stacking xD. I like the Physics engine, thats pretty cool. Especially how it leaves imprints from nukes and when ships crash the parts roll down hills. My s/n on SC:BW is link1231 . I haven't been on lately though, been busy. Whats yours? O, and do you play on US East?
Hmm yea. It's probably better to release the units first so people will be reasurred on the units. Ehh, It probably wont be too long. A lot will probably go up on Blizzcon.
Yea, I would have liked it if they didn't release all the Protoss units/buildings before the game came out so it would be a surprise but it's still cool to see them.
I would love to go xD. I probably would have gone if I lived on the West coast but I'm on the East so I can't. It looks so cool though, I would like to go one day when I am older. Of course tickets sold out in around 2 days xD.
Blizzard just said their will be a playable demo of SCII at blizzcon(in August). Maybe this means their almost done with Alpha and moving onto BETA? If so then I think we can see it being released early '08.
What movie can you watch over and over?
Elivmar replied to mushroomz's topic in Art and Entertainment
Wow thats pretty interesting. My science teacher told me Einstein was able to think with two brain cells at a time unlike other people which made him smart. Maybe this has something to do with Gray Matter? We should open a topic on this in the other section xD. -
I like the new album, theres a few sappy songs I could have gone without but once you get used to it it's actually pretty good. I've always been a LP fan and always will.
What movie can you watch over and over?
Elivmar replied to mushroomz's topic in Art and Entertainment
Ehh, none really. Maybe Starwars and LOTR but nothing else. Especially not scary movies. -
I see your point. But new units are always cool xD. I wonder how you get a Twilight Archon. DT and HT maybe?
Yep, I'm dissapointed that the observer is in though :/. I would have rather had it that the Star Relic or Phase Prism was the new observer so we could get another unit.
Oooooh. New confirmed units! http://limitedgaming.com/files/18/PCGamer/sc07.jpg http://limitedgaming.com/files/18/PCGamer/sc08.jpg Dark Templars are in!
So moral of the story is don't upgrade to Vista, wait until you buy a new computer? xD.