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Everything posted by Elivmar
Elivmar is my name on their too xD. I can't figure out how to use that electing ward...thing.
I just started playing yesterday, But I'm not very good. It seems like everyone always blocks my attacks but I can't block theirs :/.
I would like to use Vista, because I need a new computer, but I am holding off for at least 6 months for the bugs in Vista to be fixed. It seems like some people like Vista, while others don't. I just hope it will be fine to use in like 6 months because it sure looks nice xD.
So now I'm getting the point in coding PHP where I realize how many ways there is for someone to get around security. Half of my codes consist of security :/. So, do any of you experienced programmers know if any of the above is better than the other? For maximum security should I use Strip Tags, Mysql_real_escape_string, and all the other different security codes? Or would just one cover basically all security breaches? Or a certain two? Can I get any recomondations so I don't forget things while coding or put un-needed security into my scripts? Thanks -Elivmar
Well if they take Hydra's out we probably lost Lurkers. If they do take them out hopefully they are replaced with an equally cool and similar unit. Kind of like the Tempest and Carrier comparison.
If they still have Hydras :/. Sure their a classic unit, but who knows. They're my favorite Zerg unit and probably the most useful one too.
Depending on how far along you are tizag.com is a great place for PHP. After that Zend.com has some pretty good basic tutorials that have some things not covered at Tizag. Other than that I find good things to do is try and make a script that you know you can't finish with your current knowledge and when you run into something you can't do check either php.net, look at a similar tutorial to your script, or ask on a forum. Some people might like to look directly at a tutorial but I find it better to just skim it, get an idea of how to do it, and go back later if your stuck.
I want them to add the Zerg units and Terran ones so bad though! Protoss are my favorite race but it would be nice for a bit of a change. That interviews old, Its been in a subdirectory of the site for weeks, but they didn't like to it until yesterday.
Yep, It looks like Protoss have gone from their yellow look to a more Blue look. They still look so amazing though. I wish I could attend Blizzcon.
Wow thats amazing. The Tempest, basically a carrier, looks really cool! As well as the Twilight Archon. Also if you look closely you can see Firebats(or whatever they will be renamed) and High Templars(or whatever they will be renamed to). You see the firebats in the back of the base on the Phase Cannon part and the HT in the very end. Also, heres an HD version. HD VERSION
They said their trying to make the races unique. The Nuke is kind of like a superweapon so I doubt Terran will get anything. The mothership is like the superunit. A super-unit wouldn't really fit with the Zerg. Their a massing race with a bunch of weak units. Even if they planned on making a Zerg super-unit it wouldn't really fit with the Zerg's fighting style.
Actually, In an interview with a blizzard employee they said that Protoss are going to be the only race with a super unit. I'll try and find an article on it. EDIT: Found the quote.
The Protoss are the only ones getting a super weapon. Although A Nuke is kind of like a super weapon. We'll probably find out more in August; during Blizzcon.
while($go = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<table length = '50px' height = '100px' border = '3px' ><tr><td>"; echo $go['name']."~".$go['date']."~".$go['time']; echo "</td></tr><tr length = '200px' height = '100px'><td>".$go['message']."<br></td></tr></table>"; } Obviously when I'm done the table will be a bit more organized but I do things just to test them out first.
I'm writting a guestbook code using PHP and MYSQL and I have a bit of a problem. When the guestbook is displayed in a table it goes in one continuous line across the table and stretching it out instead of staying in the table borders and wrapping around. How would I fix this?
I thought goons were easy to counter. DT's ripped through them, zerglings, ghosts. Basically any good melee. Sure they were good, but not great.
Goons were cool, but the Immortals look pretty cool too lol. I think I'll be fine with SDII. I played WoW for a few months and it can't be much worse than that.
The Terran Wraiths. Rumor is there probably going to be taken out but I don't know if it's true. Ya SC is really balanced, SCII has a lot to live up to.
I thought Terran were good in SC. Siege tank + Goliaths were amazing. However it looks like there is a counter for everything now.
Yea hopefully April, so expect August. Blizzard ALWAYS releases stuff late lol. Protoss are my favorite and Zerg are a close second. I'll probably play 'toss so long as not everyone is playing them.
Blizzard said Ghost has been, "Indefinitly postponed" although there is speculation about it. I think It's probally in Alpha and that we will see it in late October, early November time. If not April 1st for Starcrafts 10th anniversary. I'm glad it's starcraft II, I wouldn't have minded a Diablo III though. Just glad it's not Warcraft IV or another WoW expansion lol. The graphics do look awesome, the new 3D engine can sure do a lot. Protoss look amazing and the banelings(exploding zerglings) looks interesting lol.
I don't mind it. However, I wish I could filter out youtube videos when searching because my school computer blocks the youtube ones, which are most of the results, but not the google ones.
For those of you who play or used to play and don't know Starcraft II was just announced on Saturday! starcraft2.com for the video's. So what do you guys think? I can't wait, it's still in about pre-alpha but although it's unlikely I'm hoping for an early 2008 release.