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Posts posted by joemama718

  1. lol when I first heard about Transformers, I thought, "who would make a movie about toys?" but it turns out that Transformers was an amazing movie...in my opinion at least. amazing special effects, amazing robots.



  2. yeah i think that depends on settings...but also i think you're supposed to type it, and press ctrl + shift + enter, i.e. instead of www.google.com + enter you press google.com + ctrl + shift + enter. i recall this working before but for some reason it goes to the .org and not .com -_- also in firefox alot of times you don't need to do that it has a feature that'll just bring you to the most related web page. (except sometimes it goes to a google search, and i can't figure out exactly what makes it do that)

  3. this "problem" is pretty old, but i decided that it's getting too annoying...


    my windows xp pc has been through a lot of bad things...flyakite, window blinds, icon packager, etc...and so some of the icons have gotten messed up. i've managed to restore most of them, but when i go to my computer, the icon for my hard disk is a broken image. it's not really a big problem, but it's really annoying me. -_- anyone know how to fix this?


    i've attached a screenshot - xD ignore the LEGO mindstorms...that's my brother's -_-


  4. it's true...the only thing that's calling to me is (what i think) is an amazing look. xD they brag about a full browser (safari) and other features...but that's just gonna cost more and more money. and being carrier locked, like kyougi said, will discourage more people from buying than encourage people to switch to cingular

  5. Recently, Apple has released it's Safari 3 Beta...for Windows. http://www.apple.com/safari/download/ . During Job's keynote at WWDC, Job revealed that he expected Safari's marketshare to grow greatly - at the cost of other browsers



    Firefox (and open source) supporters aren't too happy with this view Apple has... http://john.jubjubs.net/2007/06/14/a-pictu...rth-100m-users/


    I gotta admit though, I've been trying out Safari and it definitely feels MUCH faster. But it's probably because of a lack of plugins. I'm probably going to use Safari for regular browsing but switch to Firefox when necessary.


    What are your opinions?

  6. lol idk why but i typed more than that in the previous post...


    "...like [i forget the negative stuff], but microsoft has gotten some unfair blaming recently, particularly concerning the built in default search options and default search engine in IE...Google's forcing Microsoft to change that, saying it puts other desktop searches at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Mac's come with Safari, spotlight, and etc, and no one cares about that."

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