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Posts posted by joemama718

  1. Is it possible for me to transfer my account to a different username or domain name? I'm planning on using my account to make a website with a friend, and my current subdomain really doesn't fit.


    If you can, and if you can do it easily - my current username is jaymaa, and I'd like it to be mildlyhotpeppers. (Is that over the character limit?)


    Thanks a lot!

  2. I really like the new Microsoft Word. The ribbon interface is sleek and easy to use, and their equation editor is a tad better. (I'm aware it was in the other versions too, it was just hard to get to.) The new word has a lot of new formatting features, such as styles (which I think look pretty good). I'm not sure if this was in the older versions, but the new Word also has a References feature, allowing you to easily update and add to a bibliography. (Useful for school.)


    Although I do admit there's nothing revolutionary. I don't think there's anything that's WORSE, however, and since some small things improved...overall it's better.

  3. Everything's all minimalistic, with only one line of toolbar that includes the File, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools menus, the back arrow (which disappears when disabled, meaning there's nothing to go back to), the refresh button, the stop button (which appears only when enabled), my location bar, and the throbber. There's another line for tabs, and thats it. I don't need a search box, because all I have to type is "g ____" for a google search.


    There's more, but the point is that I could never do this with another browser. =/

    Nothing really special, you've been able to do this in Firefox for ages. The key trigger search is an old-age feature from Opera which also exists as a Firefox plugin.


    It's not that you could never do this with another browser, is that you never bothered to check out the alternatives.


    actually, i have. i have used opera, safari, and internet explorer. and i know that you've been able to do this in firefox for ages...that's the point. opera may have the key trigger search, but its plugins database is not as extensive. also, it matters how easily one can modify the browser. in firefox, it was simply copying and pasting into a .css file.

  4. Very true. I'm being forced to use Yahoo! mail because I originally signed up for another service using that email...and it's bothering the heck out of me. I'm so used to Outlook dinging when I have new mail that I always forget to check my Yahoo! mail. -_- I really don't know why Yahoo! is being so stingy in not allowing POP3 access for free...

  5. Haha. A few weeks after posting this...Safari is removed from my laptop. It quit too much and didn't remember my session, which frustrated me quite a bit. And now my Firefox is customized so much that I could never use anything else again.


    Everything's all minimalistic, with only one line of toolbar that includes the File, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools menus, the back arrow (which disappears when disabled, meaning there's nothing to go back to), the refresh button, the stop button (which appears only when enabled), my location bar, and the throbber. There's another line for tabs, and thats it. I don't need a search box, because all I have to type is "g ____" for a google search.


    There's more, but the point is that I could never do this with another browser. =/

  6. As I read two months ago on a special notebook feature in the PC User mag I read, the magazine claimed that Vista used more battery power than it would have if you used Windows XP or 2000. Is this true (to those who frequently use notebooks) or is it a load of (Insert what you like here). And then, do you use Aero 3D, or do you turn it off? Currently If I were to buy a laptop I would rather stick to XP mainly coz of battery life, but can anyone prove me wrong?


    that's definitely true. i have vista on my laptop, and it lasts maybe 2 hours, 3 hours tops, because as someone said, the aero 3d uses a lot of battery power because of the load it puts on the graphics card...for the transparencies to work it's gotta calculate everything. still, i don't travel really, and i'm usually plugged in, so i always use aero 3D. :) if you value battery life, stick with xp.

  7. I think the wiimote is too light for it to kill anyone... I guess you could strangle yourself with the cord, but you'd have to be pretty stupid/careless to manage that.


    I have read in the newspapers about people wrecking their TVs, though. If you don't fasten your wrist-strap before you play, the wiimote can fly off and smash through the glass during an overenthusiastic swing. :wacko:


    wait. isn't the wii wireless?

  8. I have set up a "blog" subdomain (my username is jaymaa, so the subdomain ends up as blog.jaymaa.heliohost.org) but it cannot find the server at blog.jaymaa.heliohost.org. When I go to www.blog.jaymaa.helioihost.org, however, it sort of works, except I get

    AD;*/ $ad = <<
    Your Ad Here
    AD; if($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] != '/tmp/layout/header.php') return; $filename = explode('/',$_SERVER['LAYOUT_FILENAME']); //New db-in-file method $file = file("/tmp/layout/db.log"); $accounts = explode('|',$file[1]); foreach($accounts as $key => $account) $accounts[$key] = strtolower($account); if(in_array($filename[2],$accounts)) echo $ad; ?>

    This looks like ad code...?


    And so I have two questions:

    1. Can it be fixed so that http://blog.jaymaa.heliohost.org/ works?

    2. Would that code still be there?



    Nevermind, the first question is fixed. The code is still there though. Is this the automated ad? (Because I have the posting plan for 250 helions...does that not include subdomains?)

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