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Posts posted by joemama718

  1. although adobe bought macromedia, macromedia's previous owners still have a say in what happens...i think its a gigantic improvement. ("edit in flash" option in photoshop, anyone?) together they'll corner the market...they are anything but finished.


    dragonfire - the new languages are very commonly based on old ones (or more complex ones - javascript, for example, is very easy to learn if you know other languages) so i don't exactly feel sorry for those programmers...


    and plus there arent that many new programming languages coming out, are they? correct me if im wrong, but most are just newer versions. actionscript 3.0, on the other hand, is similar to javascript but tailored to use with flash and etc.

  2. HelioHost username: jaymaa

    Hosted domain: jaymaa.heliohost.org


    I asked on the forum if anyone knew why my phpBB2 forum wasn't working, and djbob suggested custom ad placement...=X


    By the way - if the main page had a side frame with the ad, and the other pages themselves didn't actually have the ad, would that be alright? (My visitors would all be visiting my main page.)

  3. I addded some scripts for greasemonkey. I didn't have to restart my firefox. I have no idea why firefox asks you to restart it.


    I just right clicked on the small greasemonkey icon and then clicked on manage scripts. Then selected a script and pressed the 'uninstall' button to uninstall the script.


    thats because the scripts don't change the actual source code of firefox...they're just text files that are added to web pages, and can be used immediately. actual plugins, however, do change the source code. they're different... -_- really nice plugin though. i use the google autostream script, which loads the next pages and puts them on the bottom of the first page as i scroll to the bottom, so i don't have to click "next" when searching...and the invisibility cloak. lol. which is like a leash for yourself. xD it prevents me from going to certain sites until past a certain time so i dont do other things (-cough-helionet-cough-) when im supposed to be working. :rolleyes:


    kalamarko - what do u use video downloader for? youtube...?

  4. heh. using gmail you can sign up as username+spam@gmail.com (replacing username with your username)...and the email still reaches your inbox (its called plus addressing) and then you can have gmail automatically label emails sent to username+spam@gmail.com as spam and delete them.


    but personally i dont do those freebies...i dont believe that they're not true, i just don't trust them. =X always a catch somewhere.

  5. I made a phpBB forum...and it works perfectly fine on firefox and internet explorer. when i go on opera, however i get these symbols: ‹


    and when i try to view source code, thats all it says too. (nothing else at all.)


    i've asked my friends to try it out, and they all cannot load it. i have no clue what to do...please help?

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