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Everything posted by gatekeeper

  1. this is also my first problem when the first time visit helionet
  2. cause when i checked a random university website, its only had two tcp open
  3. why many tcp have an open status in my domain, is there any way to close it
  4. i just wanna ask something else
  5. its fine then, as long as it didnt crash the page or even the site itself
  6. why dont use openpyxl, its already installed though
  7. misdar.heliohost.us maybe soon it will empty, because i need to redesign my webfolio
  8. hey u just want to know what is tcp, cause i use nmap and found many tcp open in my domain
  9. hey i just want to know, is heliohost has a ddos protection, or does it have a tight security and protection on it.
  10. user is abio
  11. can you add a new library on my site. it's api2pdf python 3.7 library at misdar.heliohost.us tommy server
  12. aight, thanks
  13. iam currently at tommy server, can i use react(node.js) in my server, and if it can how can i use react
  14. username is abio im in tommy server python ver 3.7 main domain misdar.heliohost.us
  15. hey, can u add this lib called api2pdf into misdar.heliohost.us thanks
  16. oke thanks btw
  17. username is abio
  18. misdar.heliohost.us tommy server
  19. its just didnt know that django is existed in the folder, i already try the template from cookiecutter too, but the problem still same.
  20. Why my django app didnt work on tommy server?
  21. my tommy account is blocked, due to brute login attack (maybe), can you unblock it this is the IP Thanks
  22. hey man, i need pg8000 on python2 in ricky server thanks
  23. thanks for the info
  24. what about bottle library, if you can install it on ricky. i will be prefer to using bottle than flask, considering that i never use python2. but if you can't its okay though. i will move to jhonny or tommy. thanks anyway
  25. hey i just want to have a python lib below: Package Version ------------ ------- click 7.1.2 Flask 1.1.2 itsdangerous 1.1.0 Jinja2 2.11.2 livereload 2.6.3 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 pg8000 1.16.6 pip 19.2.3 scramp 1.2.0 setuptools 41.2.0 six 1.15.0 tornado 6.1 Werkzeug 1.0.1 Python 3.8.0 i'm currently at ricky server, here is my domain: https://radsim.heliohost.us thanks for your amazing service!.
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