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Everything posted by gatekeeper

  1. i need python lib flask_restful on tommy server.thanks usrname: abio domain: misdar.heliohost.us
  2. python 3.7 tommy abio
  3. oke got it, next time when i want to make a request, i'll try to include my username as well as my domain, also i,m sorry if it makes a bit problem for you
  4. thanks btw
  5. great, i also think that the problem is on the htaccess conf file, but im still hesitate to delete it.
  6. https://misdar.ml/cgi-bin/app.py i already set cgi-bin permission to 755 along with app.py, but still it shows a not found 404 error
  7. followed by this module, - flask-sockets - eventlet - gevent
  8. hey i need this python module on tommy server, - qrcode-artistic - segno thanks a lot:)
  9. can i use python websockets on tommy server. and also, why cgi-bin on my public directory cannot execute a python script
  10. Can i delete a default subdomain like https://webmail.mysite.us or mail.mysite.us.
  11. yeah, i intend to change my main domain to my own domain
  12. thanks btw
  13. how can i change my main domain?
  14. please, i need this module called numba on tommy server
  15. thanks btw
  16. hey, please add a "pg8000" module for python 3 on tommy server. thanks
  17. great thanks
  18. i need a help, can you give me access to postgresql server tommy, domain misdar.heliohost.us, db_user abio_admin, database abio_api_users. thanks
  19. great, thanks
  20. Can i use flask app directly inside public_html so i can acces the app with http://user.heliohost.us instead of http://user.heliohost.us/flask/
  21. thanks
  22. okay thanks btw
  23. in that case, is it going to make the server vulnerable to get attack ?
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