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Everything posted by Tbone

  1. eh.. its alright?
  2. I have Photoshop CS3 extended. ill make sigs aswell.
  3. red and blue for me
  4. It looks alright.. maybe ill see it when it goes to the cheap theaters..
  5. yes it does have something higher then HD its called Blu-Ray.
  6. how is Wii winning this? Its not even next-gen... maybe alternative gen.. but deffinately not next-gen. its graphics are like in the middle of ps1 and ps2. and it gets boring really quick. Seriously. How long can you play Wii tennis?
  7. i played for a while.. but then stopped. I was thinking of getting it again but im saving my moneys for a new laptop!
  8. id take a ps3 over a 360 elite anyday...
  9. I just got Flash CS3 Professional and i like it! Does anyone know of any sites where i can learn about Flash and ActionScript?
  10. I use WMP for all of my music!
  11. haha! good one!
  12. lololololollolol!
  13. haha the bartender is dumb..
  14. Welcome to the forum. Yeah.. what are you testing?
  15. Welcome to the forum! haha good idea for a b-day present.
  16. Id start to read the new book. but im reading Java for Dummies instead..
  17. Tbone


    haha it made me laugh
  18. The guy who played dumbledor in the first 2 died..
  19. i dunno. lol? i didnt expect anyone to on these forums.. im kinda desperate for money at the moment. ill do about anything to get money. Anyone have ideas?
  20. im doing track this year. and i play golf.
  21. If your a generous person maybe youll donate to me and help me get a new laptop looking at the Asus G2S A1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_...charset=UTF%2d8 Thanks so much
  22. Yeah.. ive heard thats why he killed himself. what happened with the straws?
  23. im going to take a wild guess and say that it is round?
  24. I have a dog named Maxwell. He's a maltese
  25. yeah I enjoy [bleeped!] with 50 year old men with prostate cancer and missing testicles. jk.
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