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Everything posted by kalamarko92

  1. Let's increase points! kalamarko92
  2. Quiz is unavaiable. (Also, what is quiz? ) kalamarko92
  3. Does this count: http://www.freehostsfinder.com/host-review...&HostID=138 kalamarko92 Also this one waits admin approval: http://www.free-webhosts.com/reviews/HelioHost.php kalamarko92
  4. My best: 1. Ubuntu (order: shipit.ubuntu.com) 2. Kubuntu (order: shipit.kubuntu.com) Linux kernel: www.kernel.org kalamarko92
  5. Sorry I am not retard but sorry too - I don't belive in God.
  6. Harry Potter ROCKS Said something? kalamarko92
  7. I think now some strange creature on some far planet watches Earth and thinks "Is there a life on Earth?". kalamarko92
  8. My favorite is VideoDownloader. It downloads videos from YouTube, Google Videos etc. kalamarko92
  9. *Sorry I didn't read whole topic* It all depends. If you believe it is a God, then it is. As you can't see atom but you know it exists. If you don't believe there is a God, then is there not a God. Again, it all depends. *Sorry again* kalamarko92
  10. AutoIt is great programming language for begginers.www.autoitscript.com Hope you like it . kalamarko92
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