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Posts posted by PenTester

  1. At 5:00AM (PST) time, all servers experienced a Power Failure at our datacentre. The outage lasted for 18 hours, and ended at 10:00PM (PST) time. The power outage was out of our control since our servers are located in the Hurricane Electric datacentre, which was experiencing some power problems.


    At the moment, the Stevie and Cody are now back online and functioning normally, but Johnny is still recovering. Thank you for your cooperation in this situation. :)

    thank you my site is back.

  2. I got this error while trying to install :


    Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Login authentication failed in /home1/panel/public_html/install/doinstall.php on line 11


    Warning: ftp_mkdir() [function.ftp-mkdir]: You aren't logged in in /home1/panel/public_html/install/doinstall.php on line 14




    Can you please check it?

  3. Yes, you can have two domain names for single webpage using Parked Domain.


    From wiki:http://wiki.helionet.org/w/Parked,_Addon_and_Sub_Domains

    What is a Parked Domain?

    It is like a pet name of a person. You can call that person with his real name(Main domain) or with Pet name(Parked Domain). Both name points to single person. Likewise , You can use two or more Domain names for your webpage.


    Eg: www.MainDomain.com and www.ParkedDomain.com will point to same Webpage. if we enter www.MainDomain.com or www.ParkedDomain.com in addressbar, it will load the same content.


    Parked Domains allow you to complete the task quickly and efficiently - there is even the option of redirecting a domain to another website.


  4. You are right. Google+ is not ancient Warriror. But he is the son of Legend(Google).

    While searching and browsing mail, you can post to Google+. That's very interesting to say.



    Unfortunately, my google account is suspended for using "Ethical Hacker" as profile name. I changed it to "Security Expert" and fill the form to retrieve. Waiting for google reply.


  5. That's nice to hear. heliohost has IRC channel now. Install Chatzilla Mozilla add on for better view of IRC channel.

    Linuxmint Has Xchat IRC installed in it :)

    That should work as well :)


    chatzilla is Mozilla add on. You can use it in any operating system.

  6. At starting of my computer world, i use the IE only. When i start to use the Firefox, i forget how IE look like.


    Note: If you ask IE user "What is Firefox?", their reply will be "I think a fox with fire"

    lol I don't think they are "that" dump :rolleyes:

    i said it just for fun.

    you know some of my friends(engineering graduates) like that only. They doesn't what linux is . I have met those kind of people.

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