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Everything posted by Alert

  1. Yay! It works. Thanks so much. Now, do you think this could happen again? Or would this just happen rarely?
  2. Hi. I'm allowing another host to access my database, but today, the other host got an error saying that that host's IP was blocked because of excessive connection errors or something. It claims that you can unblock it by using something like 'flush-host'? in mysqladmin? Is there any way to unblock the IP of the host and make sure it doesnt happen again? thanks in advance
  3. Alert

    No ads?

    Oh yeah, nice call mxrider. I'll check it with it off. Though once it did just show code, but that was only for like an hour. Yeah, it shows up now. Nevermind
  4. Alert

    No ads?

    Hello. I am using a free ad-based plan, but I noticed that there were no ads on my site. Is there a problem with the ads? Just wondering, -Alert
  5. Thanks!
  6. Alert


    Sorry. Solved the issue
  7. Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I couldn't decide. Anyway, I would like to know, (specifically from people with a plan) how good the uptime is for the free plan. I want to use the mysql database for another site to access, so I was wondering if it had really good uptime for that? I know I have heard that it does have good uptime in the past. Thanks a bunch. -Alert
  8. thanks. using the localhost and the full username worked. What threw me was that when I used the wrong username for localhost it didnt display any errors.
  9. Not necessarily. My cheaper digital camera has some shutter delay, and makes it very difficult to take pictures perfectly clear when holding it >_>. Now I agree with you that it does matter who is taking the picture, but you have to have a camera without unintentional(or uncontrollable) shutter-delay. If anyone is looking for a decent camera, make sure the shutter delay is either controllable or minimum.
  10. I thought it was pretty cool. I saw it the first day it came out
  11. Hi. I just need to know the host name. I didnt find it on the control panel anywhere. I tried localhost, but that did not work. Then I tried just my site address, and my user was denied access. However, the user I used has all privileges set. So, if someone could tell me the host? If I was correct, how come it is denying my user? Thanks in advance, Alert
  12. @RK_Web_Designs: As I said, it worked for me before and it didnt after the first time. It WAS validated. The problem was that I needed to use lowercase instead of an uppercase character.
  13. Still doesnt work. I wrote down that password in the correct case but it still wont work. Yes, the username is in the correct case too. If I got an email with the credentials i could be absolutely sure that it is not a problem on my end.
  14. "Alert" I just registered it, so I dont know why it would be suspended...
  15. Hi. I got into my control panel once, but now I can't. I go to the cpanel directory, and it asks for my creditials. But every time i put them in (correctly), it just prompts me again and won't advance. So i click cancel and it brings me to a mini login page. I put in my credentials, but then it prompts me again. I am using firefox, and i am almost positive I put the right info in.
  16. Well, the cpanel is working, but I couldnt log in. If it is activated, then I guess i forgot my log in credentials. thats why I was asking about the email EDIT: Okay, I logged in. The problem was that the pop-up thing didnt work, but when it went to the page to log in it worked.
  17. Hmmm... well, can you activate the site for me anyway djbob? Im new to the hosting so I am not sure how it all works exactly.
  18. rocks are not capable of producing hair, but hair growing on the rock is entirely plausible.
  19. I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. It would help if you said what network it is broadcasted on.
  20. The old "Airplane" movie, and Ice Age maybe.
  21. I saw the movie, and it was pretty good. It wasn't amazing at all though. The story was pretty good, but some parts of the movie needed to be longer, and some needed to be shorter. Some scenes were kinda rediculous.
  22. Good movie, but a little slow moving.
  23. Yeah, all of the pictures say "file not found" for me.
  24. 1589...
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