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Posts posted by Tjoene

  1. You can only have 1 account on each server.


    But what you could do is make an add-on domain.

    This is 2nd site that is hosted from the same account.

    You do need an domain available for an add-on domain.

    Here is a list where you can get free domains. Make sure you point the Name Servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org

  2. You need to first allow your computer to connect with the MySQL on this server.

    For this you need to add your IP in the Remote MySQL section if cPanel.


    Then you need to fill these settings in your MC server.

    Host: stevie.heliohost.org

    Port: 3306 (I think)

  3. I see in the database that your domain is wrong.

    The domain linked to your domain is "bpparks3665".


    You will need to wait for an admin to fix this.

    I do not know I can just manually change the domain to a heliohost.com domain.


    EDIT: The domain is corrected: bpparks3665.heliohost.org

  4. I see you try to use an FileOutputStream.

    I don't have any experience with Java on Server side, but my guess is that you have filled a wrong directory in.

    Maybe you could use "./" followed by the filename you want to write to.

    Then you will write in the same folder as your .java file is in.

  5. Java seems to work.

    However, the reason your code doesn't work it because of the following error:

    java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/local/jakarta/apache-tomcat-5.5.33/work/Catalina/abilondias.heliohost.org/_/org/apache/jsp/index_jsp.java (No such file or directory)


    You seems to be missing the index_jsp.java file, or the directory to it is wrong.

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