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MoneyBroz last won the day on March 24

MoneyBroz had the most liked content!

About MoneyBroz

  • Birthday December 18

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  • Location
    Tennessee, United States

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. You were suspended for using a temporary email address. for us to unsuspend your account, you will need to provide us a standard email address such as a gmail address.
  2. You've already been told the solution to this issue numerous times. refer to this post:
  3. Neither your account or IP that you made this post with is blocked. Johnny had an issue with the main database a few minutes ago, but it is now fixed. let us know if you are still having the same issue.
  4. it seems you have already changed your email on your account. if you need further assistance please let us know.
  5. I think you quoted the wrong person....
  6. Some of these wordpress installations appear to be corrupted. two sites appear to be using an unsupported PHP version for the software you are running, which can be easily fixed by changing the php version in the domain settings in plesk.
  7. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  8. Domain added. it may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  9. Domain added. it may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  10. "veja" is not contain a TLD. please post the full domain you would like to add. (i.e example.com)
  11. Post a link of what topics you would like deleted and we can remove them for you.
  12. This is the IP for Tommy
  13. Unsuspended. it may take several minutes to start working.
  14. You were suspended for having more than one account. which one would you like to keep?
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