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Everything posted by Eeor3

  1. I can relate to those AOL jokes
  2. Eeor3

    M.J. joke

  3. Eeor3

    M.J. joke

    I know, it brought tears to my eyes.
  4. I think it is only illegal for telemarketers just like that 'do not call list'. Mainly because they have the calling card thing you can buy and it allows you to type any ID# number in the CID box. Expensive too.
  5. Eeor3

    M.J. joke

    I know, That's what makes it so funny. here's a qick one just so I dont start a new topic: Q: How did Pinocchio find out he was made of wood? A: His hand caught fire. LMAO
  6. A cop stops his police car when he sees a couple sitting on the curb. The chap is laying on his side with his trousers pulled down, the girl has her finger in his [bleeped!], and she's reaming away with a vengeance. The cop says, "What the hell is going on here?" The girl says, "This is my date. When I told him I wouldn't spend the night with him, he started pounding down the booze. Now, he's too drunk to drive me home, so I'm trying to sober him up by making him puke." The cop says, "That's not gonna make him puke." She says, "Yeah? Wait till I switch this finger to his mouth."
  7. Michael Jackson and his wife are in the recovery room with their new baby son. The doctor walks in and Michael asks: "Doctor, how long before we can have secs?" The doctor replies, "I'd wait until he's at least 14."
  8. I don't know how real this is but funny none the less.
  9. Eeor3


    Doesn't work for me, but I did hear a similar thing where you type a similar script in the bar and hit go then all the images will fly all over the page. Pretty cool ffor a parlour trick, can't remember the code though
  10. haha no you wouldnt lol@ that You liked that mama joke didn't ya? Good?...well, nowhere near as good as Yo Mama was last night But, hey, if I wanted a comeback, christ, I'd just wipe it off Yo Mamma's chin... --old one I know but still ok in my book. here's a little off topic humor: "If I want any lip from you, I'll rattle my zipper"
  11. I had to think about that one for a second, whew!
  12. LMAO, creativity at its finest!
  13. I work in a call center and get alot of privacy managers (and I'm not a telemarketer). My waste management calls me with the #(999)999-9999 I want that for my work. Anyone know about that? I searched but all I come up with is calling cards.
  14. My wizdom: Never pay for anything you can get for free!
  15. I use IE7, its a standard and that's the only reason. I have no issues with security that everyone talks about. The 2 things I don't like about FF is that even when you opt to not be asked for confirmations, it still gives you the dialog any way and the way pages are not reading HTML properly.
  16. Most of the time I get a whopping 49.2 *cough*kbps*cough* but on a rare occasion I can get 50.2. Yeah, I have it that bad. I am rural.
  17. I remember before the 'GUI' and when there were no mice lol
  18. Post removed for illegal content
  19. I bet it's just about what you are used to. I think they both have their strong points and they both have their weaknesses. I personally am partial to microsucks but I use macs at school.
  20. I think I am going to buy a version but I may wait for the bug to get reported a bit longer. I am not so sure that it is worth it yet.
  21. I hate dial up but unfortunately, in my location there is no high speed internet unless I buy a sattelite dish - which is from what I can tell, no less than $600 for the equipment and that just isn't worth it.
  22. Pivot Stick Figure animation (with guidlines) -Simple -amusing -program is free -yada blah blah yada
  23. try this on the my computwr icon right click and go to manage, when that screen pops up click on disk management and see if your drive is on there if it is, you may just need to "turn it on" if not i would suggest contacting dell No sorry that's what I meant by "doesn't show up..." (the D: you see "bob" is a flash drive that has assumed the letter)here:
  24. My D:\ will not show up in the menu and it has power. Tried: Re-seating the cablesInstalling another driveRunning disk checksNot Tried:Contacting Dell support (because they will just tell me to restore it to an earlier date like they always do)Cleaned the contacts (they dont look as if they need it)Goten anyone else's advice yet
  25. Hi my name is Kyle's friend. I am a college student of web design and graphic communications. I have a free graphics service website but I am new here so I wont spam it in this post. *cough*signature*cough*. I am using it for a html class project.
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