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Everything posted by kyle

  1. lmao. I'm going to a Powells book store near my house, and I'm trying to figure out a good book to buy.
  2. lmao. I like him too!
  3. it wouldnt make any difference.
  4. Yo mama so lazy that she came in last place in a recent snail marathon.
  5. kyle


    oh okay. Sorry.
  6. kyle

    Forum Upgraded

    so, maybe 2004. does anything happen on HelioNets birthday?
  7. Welcome Krazyboi! I was going to get a translation from english to thai saying welcome, but i couldnt find one.
  8. kyle

    Forum Upgraded

    Yea they store just poped there this morning for me. It wasnt there yesterday. And also, I think its been up since 2005.
  9. no, I think it means how fast the page loads. But I'm not sure.
  10. Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too
  11. oh I can see them now. I guess the pictures didnt load when I looked at it last time.
  12. kyle


    thats the same exact thing that Richard just said. And you can get helions from interests.
  13. too crazy? Too late. I mean, beating up a car with an umbrella was probably the most retardest thing that she could have ever done. I wonder if it has anything to do with drinking? Or is it with drugs?
  14. I think we should. Because if they admin, Djbob, starts the topic then everyone has the advantage of winning. And I dont think that Djbob should play the little contest thing, because he will be starting it.
  15. kyle

    Forum Upgraded

    Um...I dont think he should, because orange is main color and you cant mess with the color! And Its nice how it is.
  16. My uncle' Super Nintendo! I loved the Mortal Kombat games!
  17. kyle

    Forum Upgraded

    Since theres all these updates, is it possible that we can accept our interests before the day ends?
  18. lmao. Pretty god dang funny!
  19. lmao. That is really funny!
  20. lmao. That is really funny!
  21. oh, that sucks. I felt special. NOT SPECIAL ED.
  22. kyle

    Forum Upgraded

    yea, it usually takes a while for people to be able to get on because of the upgrades.
  23. okay i like the idea of threatening them, and why dont we ask djbob to make it, because at the end no one looses but no one wins. They just win the ability to have a lot of posts.
  24. but its the truth. And how would that get you suspended? It just notifying them that you already know how to play, unless some people dont know how to play, then i dont suggest you tell them that.
  25. oh okay, wow! Its pretty nice.
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