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Everything posted by quataofr

  1. Thank. You are right, look like the connection get block somewhere in my network. I work around it by using vpn.
  2. so there is no solution for it? 😰
  3. my app get 'time out' error. I try to connect via phpMyAdmin in my localhost and I can access the database list but when I click to open it the page load about 5 minute and return a rejected error.
  4. I use remote mysql to update database from my applications. But now my app can not connect to heliohost database anymore. It look like heliohost change my account from tommy to johnny after move to Plesk. I try to change host 'tommy.heliohost.org' -> 'johnny.heliohost.org'. It can connect from my local phpmyadmin but It take very long time to load and get 'Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded' after some clicks.
  5. Hello, I forgot my password and I can not log in my Plesk. my user name is 'quataofr'. Sorry, I found it in my old file. I don't need a reset email.
  6. Hello, I haven't follow the forum for a long time. My old account is in tommy server, that mean after I get new Plesk controller, is it still in tommy?
  7. well, look like I can not access panel for at least the next few years. No problem, FTP works just fine for now.
  8. Method: Paypal Date: 12 november 2019
  9. I check my old email and got Receipt Number: 4545-0723-1718-7212 I cant find any thing call "transaction ID".
  10. Account: quataofr Email: quataofree@gmail.com Donation: 5$ ------- ETA page shows 0$. I used the same email to donate.
  11. I am really sorry, my bad. I install phpMyAdmin and use cpanel information to login. now I can edit my database but I still cant create new user.
  12. Can someone help me? is there anyway to create new user for mysql database or change old user data (grant all privileges, remote access) without cpanel?
  13. My site does not work because I can not access cpanel to change MySQL database. I try it from my computer but it get IP block. I know you need more time to install Plesk. So I hope you add something like this image to help me access my website database: It can help me continue my project while waiting for Plesk. My heliohost website: quataofr.heliohost.org
  14. thank you for very clear informations, i will consider to buy it when my project is ready.
  15. "Unlimited Bandwidth" mean server can send 1 gigabit per second without any problem? it is amazing.
  16. I am working on a multiplayer game project (using nodejs - socketio). I try to find a vps for my project. Is there any bandwidth limit when I use heliohost vps? How many Mbps my vps can have when I buy it?
  17. maybe it happen because of nodejs application? I will delete the app.
  18. User Name : quataofr Server : Tommy Main Domain : quataofr.heliohost.org ------------------------------------------------------------- Please help unsuspended my web. I dont have any Illegal content in my website. And I dont have many user so I dont think it use many resource.
  19. Look like there is no way I can fix that error. Socket.io uses long polling to help my app run correctly. I think it is enough for my project right now. But I hope there is an easy solution to use Websocket in the future.
  20. I created a sub domain for my nodejs app and It worked. But when I try to use WebsocketIo, the connection failed. Can I use WebsocketIo in nodejs project?
  21. User name: quataofr Domain: quataofr.heliohost.org Server: Tommy I try to create a nodejs application with tutorial in wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js But when I access quataofr.heliohost.org/node/ , It show 404 error. I try to rename my .htacess file but nothing is change.
  22. thank you
  23. Hello, I donated for heliohost: Receipt Number: 4545-0723-1718-7212 Email: quataofree@gmail.com 5$ i really want get double storage space in Tommy's server.
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