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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. Does anybody know where I can get some really cool desktop themes for windows.
  2. Thanks, do you ever need to use a cheat sheet for coding? Cause it is really meticulous as to what you put in.
  3. I would prob click go.
  4. Yo mama so old, that when I showed her a pic of George Washington, she said " O, I F***ED him way back in the day"
  5. Look at this. And just for the record i think the Earth is round.
  6. To me a woman from anywhere can be beautiful, a Latin woman may have soft luscious skin as a Aussie may have beautiful eyes and a smile that could last a lifetime. Not saying it could be the other way around but I they are all beautiful in their own special way.
  7. If you don't already own it then yes it's illegal. If you want to find out more on this matter I would refer you to this website, its forums and members will be very helpful to you.
  8. Go with linux. It's more secure and can help your comp act as a server.
  9. It must be relivent to the topic and you can't double post, also comments about posts, such as lol or that was good, unless you attach it to you statement. that should prevent spam. P.S. if you spam it could count against you. How about that, easy to track, hard to spam, easy for everyone to contribute to, should be a big success, or at least I hope.
  10. 999quadrillion 999trillion 999billion 999million 999thousand 999hundred
  11. Do you have to have a special server
  12. LoL................................whats a compact?
  13. I knew it was fake when the girl said she was running away with that guy, for those reasons. But it was great.
  14. k........................... My head hurts from being exposed to that story.
  15. I don't really care, I'll make their lives terrible if I don't like it though.
  16. That was great, I used it on Microsoft.com
  17. Yo mama so hairy, when she lifts up her arm it looks like she has a Chewbaca in a headlock.
  18. I think you put it after the address. But does it delete it from the server or just so you can't see it?
  19. 100quadrillion 100trillion 100billion 100million 100thousand and 1 hundred
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