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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. O, this is my favorite part about this forum!


    Todays apes, in millions of years will evolve into beings similar to us.

    beings adapt to their circumstances over time, they werent just put their like your story book tells you. scientists have already established that we were descended from apes.

    while the bible has some admirable qualities to live your life by, the whole premise that the earth was created in seven days is nonsense.

    what is even more nonsensical is that people like you still choose to believe in this when there is overwhelming proof to the contrary, but you probably think that is a big conspiracy theory..........


    P.S. Who wrote the bible............................O, yea, not god. A bunch of greedy politicians put it together around 400 A.D.



    physical evidence (fossils, etc.) isnt proved beyond reasonable doubt??? and the bible is??? You have absolutely NO proof god exists, yet refuse to believe the actual proof we have standing right of front of us??? how does your brain work? illogically, im guessing.


    churches in england ARE at an all time low, thankfully. i was watching a program about this not so long ago, and it appears that the main demographic who visit the are over 60, accounting for about 90% of churchgoers, and churches are lucky to have a gathering of 20 people on a sunday, which means america will catch up with us soon and churches (at least christian) will be finished.


    people (except you) arent dumb enough to blindly accept something that actualy cant be possible without any proof. if you could prove that god exists, then trust me, id be the biggest believer going. but you cant. its like trying to tell black is white. its not true.


    p.s. darth vader wasnt real either (if you believe in one story you gotta believe em all)



    • Like 1
  2. Light has baffled many scientists for years. It travels in space, is the fastest thing ever, has infinite mass, and yet is a form of energy! We have proven that when you get close to the speed of light that time around you slows down. You could go the close to the speed of light for a few years and return to Earth and a thousand years had past. Do you ever think we will be able to travel the speed of light? If we can, what do you think we will discover?

    Please explain your answer by putting some fact behind it.




  3. There once was a blonde who was very tired of blonde jokes and insults directed at her intelligence.


    So, she cut and dyed her hair, got a make-over, got in her car, and began driving around in the country.


    Suddenly, she came to a herd of sheep in the road. She stopped her car and went over to the shepherd who was tending to them.


    "If I can guess the exact number of sheep here, will you let me have one?" she asked.


    The shepherd, thinking this was a pretty safe bet, agreed.


    "You have 171 sheep," said the blond in triumph.


    Surprised, the shepherd told her to pick out a sheep of her choice.


    She looked around for a while and finally found one that she really liked.


    She picked it up and was petting it when the shepherd walked over to her and asked, "if I can guess your real hair color, will you give me my sheep back?"


    The blond thought it was only fair to let him try. "You're a blonde! Now give me back my dog."


    Are you a blond?



    Maze for blondes.



    Ever wonder how a blonde prints a document?

  4. It's just a long series that you start and want to continue when the most recent edition comes out five years or so after the first one. So a twenty year old could have started at 15.

    P.S. going to give the redwall series a shot!

  5. Nope one will hit first, do ya give up?


    Both questions, same answer: the ball in the bucket

    of 45 degree F water hits the bottom of the bucket last.

    Did you think that the water in the 30 degree F bucket is

    frozen? Think again. The question said nothing about

    that bucket having anything in it. Therefore, there is no

    water (or ice) to slow the ball down...

  6. K. that was easy, but how about this

    If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a

    bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped

    another ball of the same weight, mass,and size in a

    bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time,

    which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?

    Same question, but the location is in Canada?

  7. I have just began learning to make websites and write codes. I have a few questions about the cpanel:

    • What is the sql database

    What is the ssl manager

    What is a ftp manager

    What is a sub domain

    What is a parked domain

    How do I add on sub domains

    Thank you for your help,




  8. I've posted a good review in the free hosting site. I hope that helionet really grows. If there is any way I can help get more members, I would love to help.


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