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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. I'm fifteen! Anyways what I was saying if you don't believe in genetics you are RETARDED.


    let's say you have a box with absolutely nothing in it...no chemicals, no UV light, no atoms, no air...nothing...now tell me, can something spontaneously generate inside the box?


    I can not answer that answer, because its not known, but there may of never been a void. I believe the answer to that question is that there never was an empty box with nothing inside it.

    the universe was never empty. it has always been and will always be. the same as god is supposed to have always been.

    to understand basic infinity just look at common mathematics, pi is a good example of infinity as is 10 divided by 3 (3.33333 recurring). infinity is everywhere. Now answer this question,



    let's say you have a box with absolutely nothing in it.. no god, no angels, no spirits...now nothing...now tell me, can something spontaneously generate(such as god) inside the box?

  2. Do you believe in micro Darwinism- The theory(pretty much a law) were in a pool of genetic chromosomes(traits) those with the greatest factor of reproducing successfully, over a period of, time will become the dominant factor in that pool.

    Do you think that we should use all our resources, with no care what-so-ever, because god is going to come and destroy the Earth?

    Basically two midgets are more likely to make a midget.




    Well if you don't you are RETARDED(I hope you at least believe in Darwinism on a smaller scale).


    And just to let you know evolution is just macro Darwinism, and all macro is, is a lot of micro.



    Now if you do believe in evolution, then the other matter is abiogenesis. Abiogenesis concerns itself with the origin of life. Evolution concerns itself with development of living organisms. Whether or not life was created, designed or arose naturally, evolution still governs what happens to the living organisms.


    As to abiogenesis, there have been several experiments done, to make spontaneous generation sound all the more likely. In the beginning of the formation of Earth the atmosphere contained a plethora of the elements methane and ethane. Studies have proven that when exposing these to chemicals to ultraviolet light( which simulates the conditions on Earth at its beginning) they will form quite complex molecules. Now, we can't prove that it cold form life or even of happened on Earth, we have certainly proven it most likely by observing the moon Titan which has an atmosphere similar to that of our early Earth. When looking at Titans chemical properties you can tell that this process has occurred. Why it is highly unlikely that life exists in Titan due to its frigid temperatures, it could of very well of happened on Earth.

  3. Yes I have, I used to have a freind who was a die-hard Christian. I attended church activities with him on a fairly regular basis. I even want to a Christian church. When I was young I believed that god made science, this was merely because a heaven sounded good. So yes I have gone to many Christian events, and I didn't feel anything, except my leg did fall a sleep! Any ways my freind and I parted ways many years ago, though we both still believed in Christianity, I chose to also believe in science(logic). And as of a few months ago as I began to do more research on the topic I began to learn that Christianity and science just don't go together.

  4. Thats because their in bikinis, or at least I think. I like girls that live near the beach to, don't know why. If you live near the beach like me though thats one thing, but for those who don't, you probably just like them due to the change, and that you don't know anyone there so you like to try hook up the the people there. They've done studies.

  5. I just put a forum on my site, I installed the




    phpBB is an Open Source bulletin board package.

    The forum works but after I log in And click the admin link to edit the forum It gives me a blank page with the adds at the top. Is there anything else I need to install?




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