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Posts posted by flazepe

  1. Create a new post in the customer service forum regarding this and we'll send you a Ricky invite. Make sure to include your transaction ID (or email, if you donated through GoFundMe).

    • Like 1
  2. I don't think there is a way of checking your position in the queue as of right now. Since both of your accounts have the same email address, your new one will be automatically moved to Tommy.

  3. http://rpgmakergold2003.heliohost.org/ - This needs to be fixed first.


    Here's the code for classe-db.php:


    		class DB {
    			public function __construct(){
    				$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'ryugold', '[redacted]', 'ryugold_cms');
    					printf("Conexão falhou %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);
    				$this->connection = $mysqli;
    			public function insert($query){
    				$result = $this->connection->query($query);
    				return $result;
    			public function select($query){
    				$result = $this->connection->query($query);
    				while($obj = $result->fetch_object()){ // This is what initially caused the error
    					$results[] = $obj;
    				return $results;
    	$db = new DB;
    I tried to help this person through Discord but it turned out that I was too rarted and here we are.
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