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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. djbob likes to ignore my complaints that his DNS is not resolving for a lot of people. This isn't the first time someone else has complained, too. PM him a few times about it and maybe he'll try to do something about it.
  2. It's just the default weechat setup with custom terminal colors.
  3. Distro: ArchLinux Window Manager: Openbox Taskbar: tint2 Task Tray: trayer Music Notification: bash script piping mpc output to dzen I use mpd for my music.
  4. http://xenf.net/images/desktop4-280508.png http://xenf.net/images/desktop-020608.png
  5. They both connect to the gnutella network and Frostwire is a completely open version of Limewire, even based on Limewire's source.
  6. Birth control has always been a sin for Catholics. This is nothing new. The rest are what Christian fanatics have been preaching anyways, so that too is nothing new.
  7. The 360's graphics processing power isn't all that great anymore. Modern high-end gaming PCs should be able to run it, if a proper port were done.
  8. I run E17 on the desktop. I love the amount of options you get for window decoration, but hate the infinite alpha state of E17 at the moment.
  9. You shouldn't be talking; you joined two sentences with a comma without using a conjunction.
  10. I'm eighteen. At the moment, I'm having fun hacking at Nokia's Linux-based Internet Tablet.
  11. Gajim for me. Jabber rules the OSS world. Pfft. Pidgin connects to proprietary internet messaging networks (sans Jabber). The source might be free, but the networks you use aren't.
  12. I have zero. Extensions are memory leaking bloat.
  13. Well aware of that fact. The Mozilla Foundation bigwigs figured they weren't making enough money for themselves, so they launched a for-profit corporation under the Mozilla Foundation.
  14. This is the definition of free software according to GNU and FSF: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html It's a matter of liberty, not price.
  15. I'm saying that corporations are starting to believe that they'll be more profitable if they build for multiple platforms. Mozilla Corporation.
  16. I already have this crap via my smartphone. Media hype is just media hype.
  17. They may be giving the software away for free, but it's far from being free software. They may be giving the software away for free, but it's far from being free software.
  18. Opera was the first of the bigger browsers to use tabbing. There were a few browsers before it that had tabbing, but they sucked more than Opera.
  19. Once again, this is not the second. Browser wars have been around since before you were born. As far as most popular browser goes, it was Lynx first, then it was Mosaic, then Netscape, then Internet Explorer.
  20. Pfft, Opera's been around much longer than Firefox and it hasn't gone anywhere. Opera has Opera's place. It already has power. Firefox has made a huge dent in the IE's previous 95% market share and currently commands 20-25% of the browser market. Even those that are not computer savvy use it.
  21. This isn't the second war. This is the third or fourth.
  22. No it wasn't It is and always has been a stripped down browser based on the Mozilla Suite, which came from Netscape when it released its source. Firefox is the spiritual successor to Netscape and it's taking no prisoners.
  23. I can control my entire media center from my phone. Why I would want to is beyond me.
  24. Kyougi

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    It's easier to give djbob 10 dollars than to click on a Google Ad 1000 times.
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