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Unknown025 last won the day on January 22

Unknown025 had the most liked content!


About Unknown025

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  1. Your domain has been updated. For the changes to take effect, please allow for up to two hours. You'll also need to either switch to HelioHost's nameservers or create an A/AAAA record to Tommy's IP address.
  2. Domain added. You'll need to switch to HelioHost's nameservers or create an A/AAAA record to Johnny's IP address for the changes to take effect.
  3. Subdomain added. It may take up to two hours to take effect.
  4. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can address your concerns. We can certainly install another version of Ubuntu or Debian for you, however please refrain from creating multiple threads for similar issues, as it becomes more confusing for everyone involved. HelioHost is run by volunteers, so we can't answer your queries immediately.
  5. An administrator can certainly do this for you. I've escalated your request so they can help you out.
  6. Your account was suspended for violating our terms of service. If you were to be unsuspended, you cannot continue hosting the content you had on your website previously.
  7. Domain added.
  8. I've added the domain as requested. For the nameservers, you'll need to either change them to HelioHost's or create an A/AAAA record to Tommy's IP address.
  9. Glad you figured it out.
  10. There's no account associated with your forum account. You'll need to create a post from the forum account linked to your hosting account, or send an email to support@heliohost.org from the email you registered with.
  11. Glad to hear you figured it out.
  12. Your account is indeed consuming 230 MB of space. Do you have any databases configured? Those are factored into your storage space.
  13. Glad you figured it out.
  14. Okay. That account is suspended for using over 10,000 CPU. I cannot tell you exactly what is causing so much CPU load, so I will escalate your thread so an administrator can look into that for you. In the meantime, I will unsuspend your account.
  15. Haven't seen that before. I'll escalate your thread so an administrator can look into this for you.
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