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Please unblock my IP
Thank you Krydos. This is all I wanted. A Try. I am done with requesting nginx on heliohost.
Atleast for new servers to come.
April 2019 Web Server Survey on netcraft says that Most websites now use nginx! It reminds me my original post: Tommy is useless for Production. Here is the link to survey:https://news.netcraft.com/archives/2019/04/22/april-2019-web-server-survey.html Nginx just became the most used web server among the top 1000 websites The Apache HTTP server and NGINX are the two most popular open source web servers powering the Internet today. When Igor Sysoev began working on NGINX over 10 years ago, no one expected that the project he created for the purpose of accelerating a large Apache‑based service would grow to have the influence it has now. Apache HTTP server is a solid platform for almost any web technology developed over the last 20 years, but time is showing that the architectural decisions made when the code was first laid down are becoming limiting factors in its suitability for modern web demands. Conclusion Apache and NGINX both have their place, and NGINX is clearly in the ascendency. Your requirements and experience might lead you to chose one or both, or even a different path. A monolithic architectural framework was sound practice when Apache was new and fresh, but app developers are finding that such an approach is no longer up to the task of delivering complex applications at the speed their businesses require. Microservice architecture is emerging as the wave of the future for web apps and sites, and NGINX is perfectly poised to assume its place in that architecture as the ideal application delivery platform for the modern Web from https://www.nginx.com/blog/nginx-vs-apache-our-view/ I don't want to start it again. Just saying what stats says. Most websites now use nginx we should consider too! and no I don't want to delete my account and start using vps.
As krydos mentioned It depends on library (called modules in python community) that you are trying to use. Pure python library are ok to use that way. You can always request here to install any library on pypi to be installed.
I want to set it up so that when the tommy is down, my main domain will redirect to another url. Then, when the server comes back up, it directs back to server tommy. Is that possible? If so, how do I set that up? Thanks in advance!
It's up again. Thanks krydos.
It's been 6 hours tommy's down. I think only krydos can fix it.
Thats fine with me. Thanks.
Thanks. Sorry for not making it clear. I posted above sample from working example your provided in the original flask discussion which was working fine for me when I hosted at public_html/flask (by off course changing username). however when I created it as subdomain it was not working. The reason I presume could be this line. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask/flask.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L]Because, when I was visiting flask.patents.heliohost.org it was giving me error but when I visited patents.heliohost.org/flask it was working fine. I am not Apache guy. you can throw some light. when I changed it to this: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L]Now patents.heliohost.org/flask is not working but flask.patents.heliohost.org is working. Thanks
I am trying to deploy flask app on subdomain say testings. this is my .htaccess. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(flask\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask/flask.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L]This is my flask.wsgi import os, sys # edit your username below sys.path.append("/home/username/public_html/flask"); sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) from myapp import app as application # make the secret code a little better application.secret_key = '<removed>'when I visit using user.heliohost.org/testings it works but when I visit using testings.user.heliohost.org it throws internal server error.
Can I create my own PDF Writer in PHP if yes then how?
patents replied to sagnik's topic in Website Management and Coding
Check this out. This may be helpful: https://github.com/mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf -
Thank you @wolstech for information. We can see the surge in use of nginx from 1% to 20 % in 7 years while apache lost 20% in 7 year. Its matter of time nginx will surpass apache. No more debate on that. I totally agree that apache is awesome and heliohost is more awesome. But how django is deployed on it is little clumsy. I think admin should read this article if not have: http://engineering.hackerearth.com/2013/11/21/scaling-python-django-application-apache-mod_wsgi/ I may be wrong as I just have stats and no experience in server management. I have 3.5 Ghz, intel, core i7, 8 core PC. Can I use it as server? Server grade internet is costly thought in Gujarat, India.
Nobody uses django on windows for for real. Best is linux + nginx + gunicorn which is incompatible with windows. I don't know about php.
I am not server guy. I am talking about Django. Have you used Django with database for production site. I bet you haven't otherwise you will never say that console is not basic requirement of django.
why you want to use an online console instead. PHP doesn't need this functionality but django does. it have tons of configurations which requires console and without which It becomes very difficult to use django mainly for using djanog ORM for database. It's not so difficult to use a standalone code editor and a console for example, Command Prompt. You can write codes using Notepad++ and compile them using CMD and then upload it to your website. And do you know Heliohost offers WebDAV which you can use like Windows Explorer. Have you ever used django? If not than please don't make this thing more complicated that it is already.
I didn't meant to get you angry. I am just saying is there anything we can do about downtime mostly outages which are more than an hour sometimes. If I can help in any way to heliohost in achieving something I will be happy to help rather than leaving. If you really thing removing my account will help others, I am happy to get my account deleted. Just tell me in advance so that I can backup my data. Thank you.
why you want to use an online console instead. PHP doesn't need this functionality but django does. it have tons of configurations which requires console and without which It becomes very difficult to use django mainly for using djanog ORM for database.
Um, you do realize that 1000s of companies including gigantic ones like Netflix and GE use this for production right? It's one of the largest ones out there. I was talking about aws free tier which is not suitalble for django prodution.
@wolstech I was saying amazon free tier for django production. all the listed comparison are of free tier. aws free tier have limited cpu time which is useless for production. I have many time admired the service that heliohost offers but I must criticize what a great service is missing. I tested my site patents.heliohost.org (static html) on pingdom.com and here are the results. I am saying that heliohost is providing everything but if we can guarantee uptime, tommy can be a world class server.
print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") import cgi import cgitb import pip cgitb.enable() print("""<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <title>Pip for patents</title> </head> <body>""") form = cgi.FieldStorage() module = form.getvalue("module") version = form.getvalue("version") if module and version: module_version = "{module}=={version}" pip.main(['install', '--user', module_version]) elif module: pip.main(['install', '--user', module]) else: print("Installed module for user patents on heliohost.") print(" <ul>") for module in pip.get_installed_distributions(): print(" <li>{m}: {v}</li>".format( m=module.key, v=module.version )) print(" </ul>") print("</body></html>")Thanks to krydos for helping me write this script but I rarely use it. I just post request and krydos is fast enough to install module before I actually use it
because I think nobody might be using it for production server. It's simple index.html I am testing. see patents.heliohost.org. How can you ignore the outage. It's the damn point I am talking about. You can not say ignoring 40 minutes of downtime, Tommy was up 99 %. That's not acceptable. I think Heliohost is offering tooooooo much. But in offering too much, if the very important thing, uptime is not offered it's useless. Following are free Django hosting alternatives just for your information so that you don't say we are the only one everytime. heliohost.org Pros:we all know. cons: No console that is basic requirement of Django hosting. No reliable uptime. Hosted on apache embedded mode which is not reliable. read here Conclusion: Not good for production. https://www.pythonanywhere.com/ Pros: Fast, up all the time. Full fetured linux shell, python shell. cons: No custom domains, emails etc., limited cpu time, no postgress. conclusion: Not good for production as you can't have custom domain for free. Best if you are happy with subdomains like patents.pythonanywhere.com https://cloud.google.com Pros: Fast, up all the time. full fetured shell. cons: Credit card is required for even free tier. No sql db in free tier. you will have to configure googl's DB. python 2 only. No disk write is allowed. Note: I have not tried setting custome domains but it seems possible view some of the videos. Conclusion: Can be used If you don't require DB and Disk write for free in production. You will find many more free django app on GCP compared to heliohost. I think nobody uses django + postgres on heliohost because when I was trying django on heliohost I found that driver for that was not even installed. openshift.com Not tried but seems workable. aws.amazon.com Not tried but seem useless for production. for more infor: https://wiki.python.org/moin/FreeHosts The monitor http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ is not accurate. Many time when there is no response it shows ok. I will write tommy server performance script and share the result. the tommy's uptime 99.55% is inflated. it's not realistic. This is not the solution to problem. You should be working towards betterment of hosting service rather than suggesting to leave someone.