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Everything posted by Seslak
My personal website is not available. I believe that it is too passive web site for me to login every month or so, so I am moving it to a private hosting. Thank you very much for the service all these years, I will continue to use Helio for some other things. It is one of the best ideas on the internet. Anyway, I seem to be unable to reach my old website in any way. Can you please forward me backup so I can upload it to other hosting? Thanks.
Are you sure?
Could you now please unsuspend it? Thank you.
I have same problem on another website, on completely different servers, started this morning. Please, if it is not a problem, because of security reasons, suspend my account here (don't delete it). I'll write to you to lift suspension after this is over. It is a botnet attack from Russia. I had hundreds of login attempts from all around a Russia (and Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Romania...) just today.
I am shutting it down, no worries. I first want to see what is causing it. It is an old under construction project, dormant for months... EDIT: 856 Blocked malicious login attempts Someone tried to abuse it... can you send me any logs? Sounds like someone managed to log in, but I am not sure. It's not possible to cause such server load from just login attempts... I'd like some logs for my account to see how much of my space has been compromised... I'll see which activities in log are familiar to me, and which not. It is an old version of WP, I should have had it updated... EDIT2: I have removed everything. I don't know what was the cause... maybe some plugin... but it makes no sense...
Thank you. Can you elaborate that part about server load? Was it because of disk usage? Bandwidth? CPU usage? SQL? I'd like to know what to fix. There was a problem with disk usage, but I had it fixed days before the suspension... Thank you.
Hello, my account has been suspended. I have no idea why. HH name: seslaks Server: Tommy Main domain: seslak.com Thank you.
Already did. I told you in a first post. You are having two identical problems as I can see from other user on Customer Service. Everything is identical. Problem is on steavie.
Hello, I have a problem with domain addon. I've set up nameserver correctly as always. After cPanel finished processing domain addon it has never actually listed my new domain in the list of addon domains. public_html folder has been created successfully. When I try to repeat the process it says: A DNS entry for the domain “xxxxxx.xxxxxx.heliohost.org” already exists. xxxxxx's are the domain name and username on heliohost. Stats on cPanel left side show 2 addon domains, although there should be three. Thank you. Best regards.
Problem is fixed. MySQL is back online. Thank you guys!
OK, thank you.
Hello there, long time on radio silence but just to say that I am really happy with this kind of unique heaven on the internet when it comes to free hosting. Now, enough with ass-kissing, time to get to the problem. I was wondering if MySQL Server problem on Stevie is fixed? When I try to open MySQL Databases I get an error saying "The MySQL server is currently offline." I believe this problem is existing for couple days now. How can it be fixed? Thank you!
Hmmm, I managed to tunnel the firewall but that was too slow. So I created cpanel subdomain and redirected it to http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 and this seems to have solved the problem... interesting... thank you anyway.
Hello there! My first cry for help. I am behind the firewalled network and no access to ports over 1000 is allowed. There is no way that I can influence on this to be changed so I can't access my cpanel since it's on 2082 port. But, I've found in your wiki this http://wiki.helionet.org/How_to_access_cPanel Sadly, I have tried this method and got nothing. It's like the subdomain does not even exist. I hope you'll figure out the problem. Thank you.
now, this is odd. i've deleted all those junk files this morning and so my site is ok (still blank since i haven't uploaded my site yet, but at least it's not an error page). now, the problem starts when i try to connect my ftp. it simply rejects me. ok, looks like hacked but what is curious is that when i try to open cpanel it offers me a login page. if i click "cancel" it loads incomplete cpanel login page which tells me that this is probably a password grabber or something and not a real cpanel, or it's heavily broken. perhaps i am wrong but i think that it would be the best to shut down johnny completely since most people use same password everywhere and if the attacker gains access he may ask to switch to stevie which is bad... so, shut the johnny down and suspend server switches for a while... restart entire server, simply reinstall everything... not that i am trying to teach you how to do your job... just trying to help...
even if he downloaded it I had no important files and all my passwords are unique from account to account for everything so... he won't have anything from me, i'm peaceful... anyway, looks like there was another attack... cpanel died. Says: A3q was here ... A3q [ at ] att [ . ] net
Softaculous needs to be fixed. I've removed entire added domain and it's folder and then added it back again. That fixed the problem on the index page (surprise, surprise ). cpanel already worked when i logged in so softaculous is the only thing still not working. I would be very happy if my entire account could be reinitialized since i had the account for a few days only so no data was lost 'cause i planned to upload the site these days. Anyway, hope you fix this, this is still the best hosting solution. Peace. -S