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  1. I did not get any reply yet.Are you guys busy?
  2. Thanks for your reply,my user name in Johnny server is subodhc.
  3. Hi Admin, I was using the Johnny server for the my website ,which is down due to some technical issue and as per your Facebook post downloaded the data from the provided link . Can you please tell me how to switch to some other existing server ? I am trying to login with my emailid its not working and my email-id already registered so i can't use it again for Signup. Can you please guide to make my site up. Thanks & regards
  4. I Saw your post in facebook regarding some big issue into the Johnny server and as per post we have to take the the backup but still my website is down also i am not able to login into hosting account as well. Can you guide what can be done next?
  5. Thanks for your reply,now i am getting below exception Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /home/somename/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/qa-db.php on line 83 Could not establish database connection. Please check the username, password and hostname in the config file, and if necessary set up the appropriate MySQL user and privileges.
  6. Hi Few day back i reported the issue where my few page loading and other are not loading. Its due to issue from Helionet site but after couple of week again i am facing issue. This time home page also not loading its loading a white page when hitting http://questioninmind.com/qtoa/ Can someone please tell me what is the issue this time?
  7. Thanks everyone for your great support after getting database backup my site working fine .
  8. thanks for your reply
  9. here is the name <DB Name Deleted Due to Security Purpose>
  10. Thanks so as per your comment so from your side only you will restore the data. As i missed your intimation about server crash.
  11. Hi Thanks for your reply.I saw tables are there but no data into the tables.What will be next step to restore it and make website run properly.
  12. Hi I have this website questioninmind.com from couple of days my login was not working after that i was busy in some other task so not able to debug the issue ,now today when i saw my website only not responding when i check after login into the cpanel databse showing no record. Can someone please help em resolve the issue?
  13. Even after fail today when i went to same alias i saw below entry Domain Domain Root Redirects To Actions questioninmind.com /public_html not redirected But questioninmind.com is responding where it is showing list of folder but after that no response even finish with 500 error. Same my old website(http://subodhc.heliohost.org/qtoa/) not responding . Its due to again server load?
  14. Thanks for your reply i am getting below error I have added these Name servers in my domain provider site NameserversLast updated 01-01-0001 00:00 AMUsing custom nameservers Nameserver ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Now i got below error
  15. Hi I have a domain(questioninmind.com) can you please map this domain name with my http://subodhc.heliohost.org or can you replace this http://subodhc.heliohost.org from questioninmind.com Thanks & regards
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