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Everything posted by DeatheR

  1. Nope, its still the same Edit: It works when I give /index.php
  2. I have been using the hosting for several months. Today when I tried to go to my site deather.heliohost.org, it shows the Account Queued page.
  3. DeatheR


    My subdomain I added yesterday is not activated till now. What shall I do?
  4. DeatheR


    Will a subdomain act as a seperate domain? I mean can I set up another site using it?
  5. DeatheR


    Hi, I want to know what is called a subdomain. And also how long will it take for a subdomain to be activated?
  6. O'course its spherical but not exactly spherical. Its radius at the equator is different from the radius from the center to the poles.
  7. I've always loved Chrome!
  8. but what would be my host externally? I mean I want to send data to my database from external resources. In that what what is my host name?
  9. oh! sorry. Username : deather Domain : deather.heliohost.org
  10. Localhost is for accessing a database within the same computer/server. I am trying to access it externally.
  11. This always happens. I refresh about 15 times and then the page loads. When I click a link inside the page again '500 Internal server error' occurs.
  12. I have a problem with mysql host. I used my mysql host 'stevie.heliohost.org:xxxx'. But application shows Unknown Mysql Server Host. Is my host correct?
  13. DeatheR

    swf problem

    I uploaded the flash file into a folder called 'flash' at the 'public_html' folder. I used dreamweaver/php to create my pages. Did you modify the code that dreamweaver crunched out? Did you upload everything dreamweaver provided? Looks like the page calls javascript. It could be possible that you did not upload that script, hence the non-functionality. Works now... Thank you!
  14. DeatheR

    swf problem

    I uploaded the flash file into a folder called 'flash' at the 'public_html' folder. I used dreamweaver/php to create my pages.
  15. DeatheR

    swf problem

    I have added my files. But when i opened the site... the menu is not showing. I am using a Flash SWF for the menu. My site is: deather.heliohost.org YOu find a empty place at the top in the site. It is where the menu should load/
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