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    Everything that give us Peace and Peace2U always.

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  1. Hi friends Have in the past years i was able to use letsEncrypt using le64.exe but ... again forget again after lapse of years, also getting old. So can some kind soul drop me a line to speed up. I had recorded how but i think my notes is not comprehensive enough. Sorry.
  2. Thank you for filling me in to get to understand HH even better. Cheerio & Kind Regards.
  3. I had been on Johnny & Tommy & had noticed the former having speed superiority but unfortunately it did not last so I am back with Johnny. What can you say about the other listed server candidate & how are customer assigned to them.
  4. Noted 😃 By the way what are all the Linux servers serving HH.
  5. How to find out if Krydos had resurrected Johnny from its demise with all the sweat.
  6. Please do the backup on your end. No wonder Johnny is faster. Looks like Johnny had been admin's better choice for me. Thanks
  7. Just wondering . I felt tommy seem to slower when working on backend eg with phpadmin. I am not sure if today world internet outage has anything to do with it. Can you take me through how to backup the whole website with plesk. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thank you Wolstech .. it is working😘 So I am in Tommy2 .. GREAT 🤘
  9. Much appreciate your kindness.. looking forward the new direction.
  10. No wonder .. Johnny down. I use to be on Tommy, can I get back to Tommy
  11. Hi guys Few hours ago i face the above situation with my website, Don't know why, please advise. By the way how can i trouble shoot when such event occur. Thank you.
  12. Just wondering why I can't browse this website or login.. is there any way to trouble shoot to find out why.
  13. Wolstech bro One more issue the backend --warns there is another user same as me still login. I can still login as usual when I next logout the warning still appear. Thanks your info about suspicion response on user login
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