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Everything posted by flexo

  1. You killed me off for trying to check IMAP on dead Ricky? Finally used my Tommy invite - only to not be able to log in to CPANEL. "The IP address has been blocked for trying to log in to IMAP with the wrong password too many times." (please wipe IP after fixin', thanks!)
  2. On the positive side, no HTTP means FTPd is blazing fast...
  3. Johnny is going "ow ow ow". If there's less than 100 load over on Ricky... Account name: djj Bitcoin payment - notice I was going to send: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36671-solved-please-remove-my-tommy-domains-so-they-can-be-recreated/?p=162498 and that confirmed payment https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/f1357d45a6c99e506682e87d2f2fb846e52eaaee8aea3b4b6dfd49bd801ef378 Thanks bunches!
  4. Check again with your registrar coz for me it's pointed to DynaDot: https://dnschecker.org/#NS/hotnova.com Thanks for pointing this out. Looks like my domain just expired, but Dynadot still gave a normal domain info page with nameservers so I didn't discover this. After renewing and verifying DNS propogation, success!
  5. Still waiting, it seems. We get a different error though for hotnova.com; tried twice: (XID 39jfza) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. Nameservers are confirmed set at the registrar to ns1.heliohost.org, ns2.heliohost.org.
  6. Temporary account is djj on johnny where I'm trying to add this. Wonder if the "add-on domain" fails in a bad state when it gets this error. Seems I may want this moved to ricky due to server load...
  7. Not [solved]... A DNS entry for “hotnova.com” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.
  8. flexo

    Tommy Downtime

    HP RAID controller talk: https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/6pppd0/hp_p410i_raid_on_esxi_65_host_any_way_to_view_data/ It's usually pretty safe to incrementally apply HP patches on top of their custom ESXi images. Manually installing drivers has a higher chance of bork. I'm guessing the window to mess with ESXi in-person was just missed, and the benefits of health monitoring would be limited in JBOD anyway. As I posted elsewhere, one wonders if the drive will turn out to be good, could have simply been spun back up, and just dropped out from load-based TLER timeout that hasn't been addressed. More web server VMs on the same hardware and drives might be a solution to some concerns, if that doesn't double the per-user cPanel costs (like published metal pricing does), and you've got memory. ESXi can additionally enforce resource limits, so less users are impacted by a bad actor. Automating and obfuscating the server assignment away from users, as most hosting providers do, may be the missing component.
  9. Wasn't working: Server: pfs.localdomain Address: *** pfs.localdomain can't find http://blackbos.heliohost.org/: Non-existent domain Now working (although web server load times are painful): Server: pfs.localdomain Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: blackbos.heliohost.org Address:
  10. The domain name for your site doesn't resolve. You cannot simply use the IP address, as hundreds of virtual host sites are on the same IP address. The web server would have no idea which site you want to see. You are just seeing the default page you'd see when you go to the actual server at http://johnny.heliohost.org Can you still log via the heliohost.org website and continue to cPanel to see your administration screen? If so, verify your "primary domain" is set as you describe. If not, an error message may indicate account issues. Heliohost accounts require you to log in via the main website (not a cpanel bookmark) at least every 30 days, or they will be suspended. Did you provide a valid email address to receive any suspension notices?
  11. flexo

    Tommy Downtime

    The server runs ESXi free edition, which does not provide such capability (except showing a table by using a rather long sequence of shell commands). All of the storage API functions that would allow programs inside the VMs to easily pull this information are paid features. ESX is not cheap if you use any of the paid versions...$600/year for the cheapest license (vSphere Essentials I think it's called). A virtual machine guest that can get information about its host hardware is a bad idea in general... For most enterprise storage controllers, there is a vendor-supplied CIM provider for monitoring hardware health in the ESXi vSphere client interface. This can either be installing the VIBs for hardware support (populates the "Health Status" part of the vSphere management), using and maintaining vendor customized image and patches for such support, or third-party tools such as Dell OpenManage Server for ESXI. . There is also out-of-channel management, such as Dell iDRAC, that can provide storage array health and configuration. This can be monitored using SNMP. Some of these are license upgrades on your hardware, though. Also vendor tools for VMWare like perccli for Dell PERC RAID controllers to get you some text such as online status, and can be used to issue consistency checks. For directly-connected SATA, I just typed in a short sequence of shell commands to my unmanaged disk ESXi: [root@vmware:~] esxcli storage core device list | grep ' Display Name:' | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | while read DISK > do > echo ": $DISK :" > esxcli storage core device smart get -d $DISK > done : t10.ATA_____WDC_WD2502ABYS2D02B7A0________________________WD2DWCAT1C903743 : Parameter Value Threshold Worst ---------------------------- ----- --------- ----- Health Status OK N/A N/A Media Wearout Indicator N/A N/A N/A Write Error Count N/A N/A N/A Read Error Count 0 51 N/A Power-on Hours 16 0 16 Power Cycle Count 65 0 N/A Reallocated Sector Count 0 140 N/A Raw Read Error Rate 0 51 N/A Drive Temperature 98 0 80 Driver Rated Max Temperature N/A N/A N/A Write Sectors TOT Count 0 0 N/A Read Sectors TOT Count 0 0 N/A Initial Bad Block Count N/A N/A N/A : t10.ATA_____WDC_WD40EZRX2D00SPEB0_________________________WD2DWCC4E5ZK0N4C : Parameter Value Threshold Worst ---------------------------- ----- --------- ----- Health Status OK N/A N/A Media Wearout Indicator N/A N/A N/A Write Error Count N/A N/A N/A Read Error Count 0 51 N/A Power-on Hours 68 0 68 Power Cycle Count 67 0 N/A Reallocated Sector Count 0 140 N/A Raw Read Error Rate 0 51 N/A Drive Temperature 44 0 N/A Driver Rated Max Temperature N/A N/A N/A Write Sectors TOT Count 0 0 N/A Read Sectors TOT Count 0 0 N/A Initial Bad Block Count N/A N/A N/A I suppose it is up to the more clever script programmer to figure out how to use such SMART data, such as watching for increasing reallocated sectors. When a SATA hard drive is going to fail, making guesses based on SMART is not quite as good as RAID 10 with a hot spare...or ZFS on your passthru storage drives with multiple drive software RAID redundancy, snapshots etc.
  12. Posting intent to send Bitcoin: approx 0.00051094 For thanks and 2x storage whenever I get a Tommy acct again.
  13. root admin request: These DNS entries associated with my former account need to be removed so they can be recreated on my temporary acct, or because they are obsolete: .... Thanks much! (please don't quote, so I can later edit and remove this list from the forum post)
  14. flexo

    Backups Available

    Then: a formal request to remove all FQDNs for account "flexo" on Tommy from DNS nameservers, so they can be re-created. I can communicate individual domains by PM (or email) if they aren't readily available for lookup by account. I expect that many will have the same request...
  15. flexo

    Backups Available

    Thanks for your work! I made a Johnny account for temporary hosting with different email/username/primary domain. Putting my domain names back in as addon, I get: (XID uf7btv) A DNS entry for “xxxxxxxxx.com” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. Since I can't remove DNS entries from Tommy, how to proceed? Using heliohost nameservers. (Kinda curious why a wipe is necessary, and if the Tommy account and cpanel will remain? 1. if the drive dropped out of a RAID controller, it may just be a happenstance timing issue, TLER timeout, related to heavy load while reallocating sectors or such, but something that won't happen again. 2. No RAID and no redundancy for a rebuild? Drive (or vmdk) can be sector-by-sector imaged (dd) to the new drive if you have personnel to do that or an extra drive bay, and added back in to the VMWare machine if it was used exclusively...)
  16. Thanks, will look into the cause.
  17. I can kill off the wordpress for instead static pages if it was hacked or hit. The same site's been sitting there for years, would expect almost 0 traffic.
  18. Username: flexo Server: tommy Domain: hotnova.com (not sure if that is the root domain as I can see nothing right now) Unsure why the account is suspended, was working a week ago. Mainly used for sharing images and samples of audio restoration work on forums, but I also have a Wordpress site hanging out there and some how-to guides.
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