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Posts posted by GameClaw_268

  1. What have I been so busy with lately? Besides School and catching Hackers? Why, Making a Video Game, Of course. This one is called dragon. You get a screenie here, but you have to go to my forums(link in sig) and make atleast 1 post to try it. The screenie isn't the newest, but you'll get the idea. So anyway, download it!


  2. So then... you can release software, sell it for a few days, change the EULA on the new ones, and make everyone who had the old ones illegal? Law is F... err... screwed... up.


    Although I figure they wouldn't be able to notice to tell the difference...

  3. Yeah max123 We'll never find you out cause you're using a proxy :P

    and that you have previously made posts with both James, Kim, and William to get extra points. You made a few errors in the way that you posted that, for instance, mysql DB's can't mix strings together, and if they did, myscrnnm would have 2 Billion, also. I will admit you've been a thorn in the side, but we've figured you out completely. And now you have "trekker," created after your account, and obviously using a proxy. If you lie, don't make holes, you can't cover them later, especially after you've fallen into them.

  4. Multiple accounts are against the rules, too, now.


    And to clear it up, Logs say that djbob donated 9000 hellions, which he didn't, and that djbob edited myscrnnm's and max123's points, myscrnnm's to about 11,000 and max123's to over 90 trillion. Apparently it only let him get 2 billion of that, however. Djbob doesn't go editing people's points so he can ban them willy nilly, and myscrnnm hasn't been active enough, and probably couldn't, hack HN. If he did, he would have done alot worse things, as we all know. So unless someone really like and/or hated max123 enough to give him points/get him in trouble, he could have been framed. However, considering how new he is, I can't think of a single person that desperate.

  5. He says that since I'm Anti-Bush then I'm a terrorist... basically if I'm not his ally, I'm his enemy.

    Only Sith deal in absolutes :P


    He's like my brother, he tries to make logic, but refuses everyone else's, even if he knows they're right.


    btw- what are points for on KL anyway?

  6. my fiend when up to a random girl the other day and said this just to see if he could...


    was your chair on fire?

    because your a** is hot!


    i dont know if she had a boyfriend because we didnt know here but by my guess he wasnt arround. i couldnt believe he said that to someone he didnt know, she could have reported him for harassment, her b/f could have been there and kicked his a**, anything... thats why i only say thoes things to people i know who will think it funny and never get in trouble.


    dude, i pretty much go around saying stuff like that to every fit gal in town


    don't really care what their response is...

    i never knew that was harrassement

    Well duh! Haven't you seen the sexual harrasment panda south park? :P


    Of course, if you went to court for that you could get the law declared unconstitutional because it violates the first ammendment.

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