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Posts posted by GameClaw_268

  1. Heh, he'd say Sony would do it.


    Of course, if you read the fine print, you'd know that:

    It isn't cheap

    And the "Superprocessor" is like having the fastest car ever, and then putting it in a traffic jam(IE, low cache space).


    Physics chips are out for PC's, however, many games and applications don't take advantage of them. Eventually, though, we may be seeing some integrated into our motherboards like 3D Graphics chipsets. Of course, if some major game company came out with something like this, it would spread like a wildfire. As for AI chips, they are unlikely. AI really doesn't take up much processor power, and we've got 3.0ghz processors commonplace(or 1.8ghz equivelents from AMD that are more efficient). We can run fine without AI or Physics chips. The physics chip may greatly increase the power for a lowered price, however ;)

  2. Nintendo of America's Sales Director(Reggie Fils-amie(sp?)) has stated that the Revolution Specs wont be revealed until the system comes out. He did, however, state the system would be on-par in graphical capabilites of the PS3. The Xbox 360 is never mentioned. Nintendo, somewhere around E3, confirmed that they wouldn't be putting in HD output. This will keep the cost down. In fact, when they removed it from the gamecube, they chopped about $30 or so off the price. And, really, less than 1% of video gamers actually use HD output.

  3. Yeah, you're never on chat...


    Well, if you do figure out all these things, you can teach them to me :D


    Heliopolitics is set up. However, we got a huge slump of inactivity so they haven't had to do that much. It is true that alot of us are posting on KL.

  4. Well, I would have gotten the $13 ones for my sister, but they were out. In some cases, it's worth an extra $2. I'm not one of those people who just shell money out at random things, I wait for prices to go down, I set buying priorities(#1 right now is a new computer :P ), etc. The only exceptions to me being "cheap" are when it's someone else's money, and Laffy Taffy... mmm... laffy taffy.


    As for making my own stuff, I haven't needed to. Everything I've had worth making I didn't buy(until I get a computer), although I do fix some things. I did have a broken CD player that was so broken it would have been cheaper and easier to get a new one, so I did, and some really nice headphones. They were $5 and they sound better than 7.1 Surround. "Koss" Brand. The only thing I can see that people wouldn't like about em is that they're the kind that you actually put in your ear. There was no gold in those babies, either. The only things that need gold are powerlines(although that wouldn't work too well... stupid criminals) and input devices. TV's and stuff can use regular heavy duty cables. It just comes a few (okay, I can't find it in the character map, but its that thing with like the 'u' with a long line at the bottom, them an 'm'...)'s later. Doesn't increase the quality very much, only to a level undetectable by the human eye.


    Even though I like saving my money, as far as politics go, I'm pretty libral.


    And about the "cosmetics," Make a wooden cabnet to put them in, out of view, or just have everything in your house match the fixer-upper theme :P

  5. my sisters controller(haven't found another one with gold) gets an incredible response time as opposed to the other ones. It's a freaking handicap. Play a game that you press buttons fast, like Soul Calibur II, another button mashing fighting game, Super Smash Bros, repeatly tapping buttons minigames, complex combos/manuevers in video games, etc. and you will find out just how much the "nearly unnoticable" amount of removed response time helps.

  6. My DS took a 5 foot drop without a scratch!... but with a little dead Pixel... in an unnoticable spot... Although my little brother broke all 3 of our Nintendo Gamecube official controllers... so now we use MadCatz controllers(I prefer the mini-ones), and my little brother got his first, and it's still in good shape... dispite that he is plagued with "R button not working" syndrome. And his Analog stick isn't perfect... but with all the damage he [attemtps to do] to it, it's in awesome shape.

  7. How much you wanna bet I could get a gamecube, dvd player, computer with internet capabilities, and cd player for cheaper than an xbox? lol.

    Cheaper than the Manufacturing cost :whistle:


    Microsoft looses hundreds of dollars Per Xbox sold, and their first profit off of the Xbox was in July this year. Sony also looses hundreds of dollars Per PS2 sold. And Nintendo's console is the most powerful, yet it's also the cheapest :P , Nintendo actually makes money per console sold.

  8. MSN slows your computer down? Man, I thought mine was old...


    I can tell you though, Google Talk uses almost no system memory, is well integrated into your inbox, and not overloaded with useless features. The sad thing about me saying MSN has useless features is I downloaded something to get more... pretty much just use it to see when someone was last on...

  9. True, but memory cards will probably still work. Of course, sometimes it's easier not to have to shell out $20 extra just to save your games, and You'd have to buy alot of those little memory cards for games, and they wouldn't work for online save data, or OS upgrades. Since it's online, it's gonna use em.

  10. okay, I have found out one of the few things about hardware Nintendo has released. It will feature 512 mebibytes(I like new words :D ) of onboard flash memory, for saved games, OS updates, games, etc. Considering the biggest N64 games were about 64 mebibytes, and SNES and NES games probably are smaller than 2-4MB, and if gameboy games are put in, 8MB for GBA, less for earlier versions, that should actually be a good amount of space... if the 2 Confirmed USB 2.0 ports have something you can plug in for extra space or something... or maybe the GCN memory card slots...


    As far as Hardware confirmation Goes:

    IBM is making the "Broadway" CPU

    ATi is making the "Hollywood" GPU

    Broadcom is doing wireless

    MoSys is doing ram

    GCN Controller and Mem card ports

    Downloads Catalog

    Some things about the controller not yet revealed

    No HDTV


    Unconfirmed, but predicted:

    NURB Technology to put it on PS3 levels(bullcrap, methinks)

    Cube Envirionment Mapping

    DS conectability(although rather likely, it hasn't been confirmed)

    Old sega games in the download catalog(metioned by Sega CEO or something)

    Connects to computer monitor


    There are others like the loads of "leaked" revolution specs, none of which are the same in any way. But some aren't worth mentioning.


    So... Nintendo is going online and adding a "Hard Drive"(flash actually, but...), they're really taking a leap here, or, in modified quote form: One small Step for Nintendo, one Giant Leap for The Video Gaming industry :P

  11. Actually,

    You mean you don't know the Revolution specs. I know most of the basic specs, including the primary media, RAM, GPU, CPU, et cetera.

    Yeah, you never know them, since Nintendo hasn't realeased them and the only "leak" ever was proven wrong. If Nintendo released the revolution Specs, I'd be on it way before you would.



    ANd, on topic, this is my Opinion/prediction:

    note some of this is based on the fact that most homes will be getting multiple consoles come the next-gen.


    Revolution: Wildly sucessful with gamers and non-gamers alike. Nintendo rises well above the 360 and PS3 in sales(mostly as a second console choice, but sales are sales). Incredible Second and 3rd party support, however, many of these 2nd and 3rd party games would focus on using the new controller for crappy ideas, with horrible control. Nintendo, however, is able to bring out some good games, and ultimately will save the revolution and make it one of the best things to ever happen to the gaming industry by expanding it greatly.


    PS3: Sells large amounts to "hardcore" gamers, many as a first console choice. However, many of the games that were the biggest on the PS2 will dissappear, or become non-exclusive. From the ashes, new franchises will emerge, and sony will make it to "round 4," which they will likely release a TV/Surround Sound/Gaming Console/DVD/digital camera/cell phone/laptop/handheld/C4/handgun/car keys/salt shaker/peperspray/etc. system so you only need one thing for... well... everything. Considering that's possilbe, everyone with the money woud buy one :P


    Xbox 360: Initial sales are great, it has no competition, but when the PS3 comes out, it fails miserably. Microsoft will either be stubborn and loose more money in the gaming industry(on the other hand, they may beat everyone in the next-next gen if they stay with it), Partner up with nintendo/sony for the next-next gen, or drop out because of the extra cost.


    Note in no way are these predictions expert. They are all [almost ;) ] entirely possible, however. A little bit idealised by me ;)

  12. I think it's just a software plug-in or something.

    I also forgot to mention, that doesn't mean 7 controllers, that means 7 Wi-Fi devices, such as your PSP, or a microphone for your controller, or a wireless Eyetoy, etc. It's not all controllers.


    And /\/\/\/, fear not! Online will increase the player number no matter how many controllers it uses. And we will finally be rid of that "2 player only for a 4 player system" crap.

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