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Posts posted by GameClaw_268

  1. I've installed an IBStore Before, if you want an arcade with it I could just send you a few files :D I also found all the good games for it and could send you those too :)


    btw- what kind of hosting for the 25 monthly posts? Or is that what you described? Cause it sounds like your describing the host your on.

  2. noone is ever gonna get rid of all the nukes. They're too valuble. They keep us out of wars. The problem is they tell everyone how to make one. If I could aford U-235 uranium, a jet, and an empty missle like thing, I could make myself one and drop it somewhere(considering I had the right amount of uranium).If I had some hydrogen containing elements mixed in I could make an h-bomb too.

  3. For the past year, I have been working on a video game off and on called Defense Corp. You control a platform defending your base from enemies while making sure you don't run out of energy for the highest score(mine is 1028). The current demo is only about 2 weeks in development, and demo 3 will be out as soon as I finish the weapons... which might be a month or 2. Demo 3 will be a vast improvement, with everything on up to custom weapons. So have fun with my adictive game: http://www.arsenark.com/games/original/?game=688

  4. What do you think about the war in Iraq, should we have gone, nuked the country off the map, or whatever. State your opinions here.


    As for me, I think we should have gone, but only to search for WMD's. After we could find any we should have abruptly left, letting the country handle their own affairs.

  5. As the newest mod of these forums(I know enough I just have to look, I don't have to be told) I decree my lordship of the game forums... in other words, I will watch these forums most closely, being the mater of games I am. ph34r my 1337 abilities!!!


    no I will not use "l33t sp33ch" in important matters, only silly and stupid ones, cause its fun.

  6. Although he's not here anymore, Mr. Mikal Duncan was the most annoying, craziest person I ever knew. He was the worst of the worst, and his name brings fear into the hearts of all who knew him. Cower in his weirdness!

  7. CSS's color is kinda confusing, it uses something like #90EF56 (I beleive that would be a dark greenish color), but if you send me the board's style sheet somehow i could update it for you, since I don't have a IPB stylesheet handy right now. Email would be fine.

  8. I'm okay with css, I made a skin on an invisionfree forum using nothing but changed pics and css, maybe I could help.


    btw-I have an arcade mod I could probly install for you if you want, but I'd need a temp ftp account and there would be an hour or 2 of downtime, unless you wanted IBStore too, but...

  9. Seeing as there is no topic for this, I will start a topic for introducing yourself to the forums, that way I don't start a useless topic with 2 replies that dissappears in a day.


    I am Gamemaster_268, NEVER(lotsa emphasis on the word) forget the _268. I only really came here cause djbob offered me a job as a mod, but these forums look like a nice place to unwind. I am male, and I like to make video games. Recently I had some forums for uploading video games make with the gamemaker, but they're gone because noone posted there :( . I promise to promote these networks and be a good mod to stop such events from repeating. Asuming I do become I mod, I will take any suggestions given to me that I think are good and send all the good ones to the admins.


    Don't create random spam here, I'm trying to earn brownie points, err... I mean... trying to improve these forums in any possible way ;)

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