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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Saddam Hussein took power from the Iraqi government by force. Consider this: In a definite act of a coup, he suddenly arrested over half the members of the Iraqi Congress because he claimed that they were "unloyal". Then, he rewarded the "loyal" members by allowing them to gun down the "unloyal" ones........................
  2. The Soviet Union unknowingly gave the U.S. the power of peacemaker when it backed down in 1991...................... And people die in the streets because the insurgents in Iraq blow up markets, children's hospitals, homes, etc, for some odd reason...............
  3. Some possibilities should not even be considered..............
  4. No, I was asking for certain examples. As in, what actions did they take to be called dumb?
  5. Oh, good. I suspect that myscrnnm is angry at Gamemaster_268 because myscrnnm is a hard-core Krazyletter fan.................
  6. Are you talking to me, majazac, or myscrnnm?!
  7. There are hundreds of American students learning foreign languages in many public schools nationwide...........
  8. How about Indira Gandhi? She was very good to the country of India..............
  9. What has your president done that makes him/her a fool?
  10. Ok, ok. Perhaps the U.S. has not made all good decisions recently. But the U.S. is doing a good job as the world's peacekeeper.............
  11. No one invited the U.S. to come save Iraq. The U.S. came because we believed that Iraq had nuclear weapons. I agree. Now that the U.S. has Iraq, Texaco/Mobil/Arco/ and many other oil companies are circling around Iraq like sharks. First, the U.S. attacked because it thought that Iraq had WMDs. Then, when that proved to be untrue, the U.S. changed its reason to saving the Iraqi people.
  12. I totally agree with majazac - no one should call others ignorant until that person has looked at the issue from both views.................. Do the Brazillian newspapers have articles that show Bush as a fool?
  13. The U.S. is the strongest country in the world - it needs to do SOMETHING with that power.................
  14. Insults are fined with PRISON?! The insults must be pretty harsh, then.....................
  15. What? I'm sure that Gamemaster_268 would never BAN someone because of a bad day or whatever. That would just be plain immoral and mean..............................
  16. However, if a person decides to insult another openly, then the freedom of speech has gone too far...................... But myscrnnm has a point. Perhaps 50 points is too harsh.............
  17. Korps Commander


    He used the phrase "if you want to ask". I was the only one who asked a question on this topic recently, so he must have been talking to me..............
  18. "I am in shape. Round is a shape" That, I think, was a pure joke...... "When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really." I doubt anyone would wear only a birth control patch.........
  19. That's sick......... Anyway, the sticks were thrown into jail and sentenced to life in Sing Sing prison.
  20. What is it that those people do to earn the title of "dumb"?
  21. I agree with myscrnnm's subtle hint. Ipoddude's list had MANY things in it that were wrong (and stereotypical).......................
  22. Korps Commander


    I think that djbob was talking to me......................
  23. The Gamemaster_268 seems to be quite dedicated to Helionet - that shows a good moral statement....................
  24. It was Japan's own fault that the U.S. got into WWII................ And nowdays, nuclear bombs are much more devastating and effective than in WWII.........................
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