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Everything posted by lilychan

  1. Ahh I see! I've seen the bad gateway errors occasionally before, and they often sort themselves out pretty quick, which is why I gave it time rather than reported it. But I thought I'd make a note just in case it had anything to do with it. Good to know it's nothing to worry about though! I had no idea you could find the IP address for your site there! Thank you very much for the directions!! I found it, and gave it a try, and it worked and let me add to my site! Thank you again for the help!! Haha yes, I've definitely done my share of Googling! It can be frustrating though when you can't find the results you need. I've had a few issues in the past that Google was absolutely no help with, and I've had to seek out people and forums for help instead. I'm really glad people are willing to take the time to help others out. When I get severely stuck, sometimes I don't know what I'd do without other people!! xD
  2. Today, this is no longer working for me either. 😕 Not sure why it keeps changing!! I'm having the same issue in my main post, no matter which host name I try. Both will just sit there until it times out. Now getting, Status: Resolving address of tommy.heliohost.org Status: Connecting to [2001:470:1:1ee::1002]:21... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server I did notice about 30-60 minutes or so ago, my site was saying something about a Bad Gateway and wouldn't load. It seems to have fixed since then, but...I don't know if there could be any connection to the issues. --- And thank you very much for the kind words (and explanations!) KazVee! I feel like I only accomplished it with a lot of help from my sister and friends. My friend is in fact the one who coded how a bulk of the site works, so I definitely can't take too much credit here. xD I did learn growing up that if I needed help, particularly with something electronic related, that the more details given the better. So I do try to keep that in mind when I need help! I also know it's very useless to come around being all, "It's broken, help." xD Not much anyone can do with that! I have high functioning autism, so I do have learning disabilities and really struggle to understand some things, but I learn best through repetition so whenever things go wrong, I do try to work with what I know might help, before reaching out. And when someone helps me, I feel like I mentally add that to things to remember for the future. So while I'm not good at just absorbing information and maintaining it, trial and error helps me build up resources for next time, you could say. xD
  3. Interesting how I've been using my domain name this whole time and it's been working fine...and I don't even know what an IPv6/IPv4 address even is. :X I struggle to follow a lot of this and just -barely- have enough knowledge to even have a site to begin with. xD
  4. Okay that worked immediately, thank you!! Why would that change suddenly? I've never used that one before, and it's always worked, so I'm curious how/why it changed!
  5. I'm not sure if this is where I post for help about this. But I have an account on the Tommy server, and I'm trying to use Filezilla to connect to my site. Nothing has changed about my settings or how I access it through Filezilla...just today, it will suddenly not go. Filezilla just sits at: Status: Resolving address of wildabyss.heliohost.us Status: Connecting to [2001:470:1:1ee::1002]:21... for a long while, before moving to: Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server I'm not sure why it's doing this. It looks like the Tommy server should be okay, based on Heliohost's main page, so I'm not sure what might be the problem. If I'm missing any crucial details, let me know! I'm not entirely sure what else I should provide.
  6. So I tried your top suggestion and it connected immediately. Curious, I went back and tried my usual connection settings, from before I ever made this post...and it's working too. o.O I don't know if it was already suddenly working again before I tried that, (this is the one time I forgot to double-check) or if that somehow fixed everything... I don't know what's going on, but it seems to be working again. I'm so confused!! Regardless, thank you so much for the help!!
  7. Same exact problems, from what I can tell, for both.
  8. Sorry, I'm not too good at these things. All this stuff barely makes sense to me! I put in the server name for the host as you stated, and it seemed to have the same issue.
  9. I already tried that, and it shut me down even faster. 😕
  10. I don't think so, this network is our home Wifi and we live in a rural spot so finding another place with accessible wifi is...extremely difficult. I can send you the IP address, I just don't know where to find it. x'DD Edit: I guess there's a site that tells you your IP, but I'm getting two results...
  11. I couldn't tell if this belonged here or in Customer Service, since I don't exactly know where the issue lies... But I'm having a problem connecting to my site with Filezilla. It was working fine and I used it yesterday with no issues. But today, it keeps stopping in the same place, then disconnecting before it ever fully connects to my site. It's been doing this for several hours now, and I'm not seeing anybody else mention this issue, and my site is working fine when I visit it...so I don't think there's a server down, or anything... But something's not working and I can't understand what it is...does anyone know what's going on?
  12. I've never seen that link before! She tried it, and it worked! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I had no clue what we were going to do!!
  13. My sister has an account on the Johnny server and feels awkward about asking for help, but neither of us can figure this out. I hope it's okay for me to post in her stead! Rather than updating the site through the website's actual interface, we update ours through Filezilla. Ever since Johnny has gone back up, my sister is able to access the site through the site, but it absolutely WILL NOT open with Filezilla anymore, and it's much easier/more familiar for her and I'd really appreciate some help. I thought it was just a Filezilla issue, but there's been no change or update to the program, and mine connects to my site just fine. It's only stopped working since Johnny went offline and came back so I wonder if there's a connection. It has been like this for several days. It claims it keeps timing out, but she's tried it countless times over at least three days, if not longer, and it's always the same result. She says she also gets this popup about an unknown certificate...and honestly I'm not tech-savvy enough to even begin to understand that, or if it has anything to do with this... She says "Just tried "always trust" with handbasket.helioho.st AND with johnny.heliohost.org Both still said "connected" so I think it recognized both options and considered them acceptable, but it still timed out and wouldn't let me connect." Does someone know what might be going on, or how to help?
  14. She says "Just tried "always trust" with handbasket.helioho.st AND with johnny.heliohost.org Both still said "connected" so I think it recognized both options and considered them acceptable, but it still timed out and wouldn't let me connect." 😕
  15. Her username is Faeley!
  16. My sister has an account on the Johnny server and feels awkward about asking for help, but neither of us can figure this out. I hope it's okay for me to post in her stead! Rather than updating the site through the website's actual interface, we update ours through Filezilla. Ever since Johnny has gone back up, my sister is able to access the site through the site, but it absolutely WILL NOT open with Filezilla anymore, and it's much easier/more familiar for her and I'd really appreciate some help. I thought it was just a Filezilla issue, but there's been no change or update to the program, and mine connects to my site just fine. It's only stopped working since Johnny went offline and came back so I wonder if there's a connection. It has been like this for several days. It claims it keeps timing out, but she's tried it countless times over at least three days, if not longer, and it's always the same result. She says she also gets this popup about an unknown certificate...and honestly I'm not tech-savvy enough to even begin to understand that, or if it has anything to do with this... Does someone know what might be going on, or how to help?
  17. The same as my username here, Lilychan! ^^ Thank you -so- much!!
  18. I'm also a Tommy user that missed the chance to move. I had no idea this was going on! I found the email to Move to Plesk, but it says it's no longer possible and just offers me a backup of my site. (I have my files already though, so that's no issue.) Do I need to request an invite back, or do I need to wait and try and catch account signups? I'm a little confused about my next step, especially after reading replies here! (Hope it's okay to ask here...)
  19. lilychan

    Tommy Is Back!

    Thank you very much for clarifying, I appreciate it, and look forward to rejoining!
  20. lilychan

    Tommy Is Back!

    I think I understand! I'd just like to be sure... I had a Tommy account, it was a limited time free invite thing when I joined, so I hadn't donated. (Would love to, but we're barely getting by ourselves these days...maybe someday!) Am I still going to eventually get an invite, or are the invites for donors specifically? (I didn't make a temporary account on any other server) Thanks in advance for the answer to the question, and thank you guys for the work you put into this for us!!
  21. OHH, I get it! Thanks, Flazepe! I saw that, but I thought for some reason that only applied to future accounts being made...I see now how it connects to the already-existing forum accounts from my own situation! Thank you very much!
  22. I was told on another post that I should post this here. When Tommy is available for sign-ups again, I'd like to use my old username and domain name. But it's still 'taken', supposedly because it's linked to my forum name? I was told: "Your forum username needs to be renamed temporarily so that it doesn't conflict with the system. And your main domain needs to be cleaned up first in order for you to use it upon signing up." So, is there any way somebody could help me temporarily change my forum username, please? Since I intend to change it back (if that's okay) once I recreate my domain, just a simple change like 'lilychan2' would be fine for now. Also, if anyone can help clean up my domain, the name for it is wildabyss.heliohost.org I apologize if I'm doing this inocrrectly, I don't entirely know what I'm doing. xD I seriously appreciate any help or advice though, and thank you in advance!!
  23. Okay, I'll do that! (The new topic should just be regarding my username, and not the domain deletion, right? Or both?) Thanks again for the help!
  24. Okay yeah, that's what I figured about Tommy signups, thank you! How do I change my forum username? My main domain? I believe that's wildabyss.heliohost.org (Right? Or did I misunderstand? x'DD Sorry!)
  25. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do or where to go from this point. When Tommy went down, I decided to wait to hopefully get back in to the Tommy server and remake my site with my backups. I've obtained the backups since then, and while I don't know that Tommy is letting people sign up just yet, I did try to sign up again (just to kind of see) and I noticed my username and site URL are still in use, or whatever, and I can't recreate anything with those same names, like I'd like to do. Is there something I have to do to get those removed so I can recreate them? I assume I can't access them anymore since they went with the Tommy server, right?
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