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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Interesting. Perhaps the memory is running out or something...
  2. Sorry, but I don't see why this is a compelling feature that we need to have. There are free alternatives.
  3. I just killed bihourly_wrapper and bihourly.php... hopefully that will resolve the issue.
  4. Glad it worked out for you! Closing...
  5. Are you still using the old account? If not, why don't we just delete it?
  6. Reason is that Johnny is filled with way too many accounts, and Cody is on the same physical server (Charlie) as Johnny.
  7. Glad everything is working now! Closing...
  8. No problem! Let me know if it isn't showing up in 24 hours.
  9. Is it working now? PS: other admins, you should try this when you experience an issue in the future: sudo /scripts/restartsrv_tomcat
  10. Okay, I think I've deleted that domain from the cluster. Can you try adding it again now?
  11. Your nameservers seem to be pointed elsewhere. I don't know if this is because I was ridiculously late with the response (sorry about that), but I also can't seem to find any stale DNS records in our system for that domain. Also, never append the www to a domain name when registering it with a host.
  12. Our datacenter is fully behind IPv6 and we're just waiting for cPanel to introduce support. Once they introduce support (looking like it'll be towards the end of this year or the start of the next) then we will request a big block of IPv6 addresses and begin allocating them. We can probably assign one IPv6 per account. However, the Internet will probably take a while longer to introduce IPv6 routing. Until that occurs, running SSL/TLS without an IPv4 will be challenging.
  13. The only thing is that we would have to program this into the database and add it in the Mod CP.
  14. Now that this issue is finally resolved I can close this thread.
  15. Closing...
  16. You're welcome! Looks like this issue is resolved, so I'll close the thread now.
  17. 1) Stop deliberately misspelling words. 2) What's your username and what server are you on?
  18. Thanks, guys! We're now using Stevie for ns1.heliohost.org and Cody for ns2.heliohost.org.
  19. Telnet is just a TCP/IP connection over plaintext. We "offer" Telnet for SMTP, as an example... since that protocol is TCP/IP over plaintext. But we block remote access to non-standard ports through our firewall, so you won't be able to Telnet to a service you're running on some port.
  20. Yeah, I think it's an issue with the user's code. I created a simpler hello world in the same directory and it works: http://abonae.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.cgi. I don't know Perl, so I'm not sure what's wrong. The user's code: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard); print header; print <<EOF; <html> <head> <title>hello, world</title> </head> <body> <h1>hello world</h1> </body> </html> EOF
  21. Closing thread...
  22. Okay, I think we're done here. Closing thread...
  23. Nice, good job! Closing thread...
  24. No problem, glad everything is working! Closing thread...
  25. computerman: Nah, you're good. Try logging into your account now.
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