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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. What happens when you add it?
  2. Does cPanel list yatantrika.co.cc as installed as a parked/addon domain?
  3. Not sure, but it looks like the problem has been solved. Everyone: clear your caches. jje: Are you sure it was per-filesystem and not per-IP? From what I can tell, there was no corruption.
  4. Siddhant: maybe cURL maintains a cache? Try wget. All I know is that I'm getting your domain fine from here. Maybe try accessing from a proxy to confirm your issue.
  5. Okay, I've switched your IP address. You should be able to access your website within 24 hours.
  6. One more try. Is it working now?
  7. Okay, you should have Java available within 24 hours.
  8. Okay, you should have Java available within 24 hours.
  9. Geoff: do you guys have this from here?
  10. Okay, you should have Java access within 24 hours.
  11. Hmm? atlee1599.org seems to be resolving fine to your account for me...
  12. Your website is showing up fine for me. Clear your cache.
  13. Uhm... what? They want me to register my nameservers with them? The Internet is based on a decentralized model. What exactly would registering the nameservers entail? It is possible for you to use an alternate source for DNS?
  14. Is there any chance you can give me a test script to run on Johnny to see if this is a problem on Stevie's end?
  15. 6664dd: Do you actually want us to switch you to a different IP?
  16. Do you already have an account on Johnny?
  17. Let's see if an Apache restart fixes it up. Give it about 12 hours and let me know if the problem persists at that point.
  18. Do you know if you can run this same script at home? I'm getting different errors on Stevie and Johnny, but neither are finally delivering.
  19. Sorry, but no. You'd need WHM access, which is restricted to the root user.
  20. Good call! Forgot to add it to the DbProviderFactories in machine.config. Is it working now?
  21. I think the problem here is that you're probably using a newer version of Ruby/Rails locally and we're running an older version (1.8/2.1).
  22. Apologies; MySQL's Connector/NET wasn't installed at that point. I've installed it now. Does your script work properly now? mysql.data.dll is now installed in the GAC.
  23. kuk: Why don't you run those commands locally and upload the resultant files to our server? Geoff: Okay, removed.
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