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[Answered] I Have A Heliohost Account. Can I Get Another Something.heliohost.org Domain?

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Notice my name?

I got a heliohost account, so I got a URL, bluegemz.heliohost.org.

I also have a free account over at awardspace, bluegemz.atwebpages.com.

Over at awardspace, I used the dashboard to create a new subdomain, and I got:


What I want to do is have honeywebph.heliohost.org.

I created a subdomain, but I got honeywebph.bluegemz.heliohost.org. (which, by the way, my browser says does not exist - maybe it takes a while?).

So I tried to create an addon domain honeywebph,heliohost.org that pointed there, which seemed to work, until I got an error saying something about beining unable to park a subdomain.

I think there is something here I just do not understand (see my name here?)

I read the wiki you have about domains. I am sorry, but it was not to clear. I think I understood what you said there, but I am not sure if I should even be trying to use that for what I want.

I cannot create another account (one per user, you said, OK). Is there some way I can get another heliohost domain name?

Hope I am putting this question in the correct place.


Thank you! Have a nice day!


I tried again to make an addon domain, this time I got:


Error from domain wrapper: honeywebph.bluegemz.heliohost.org is owned by another user.


Pretty sure that is NOT the error I got the first time. Sorry.


Help, please.


Well, says I posted that yesterday, 11 minutes after noon. No replies yet, wonder if I am putting this question in the right place?

And I wonder what time zone that was. It is 6:21 am here now. Also wonder if I will get an email notice of a reply (maybe that will work, even when I reply to myself - who knows, I don't, yet).


Your question is very difficult for me to understand, but are you asking if you can have two different .heliohost.org domains? One like domain1.heliohost.org and another domain2.heliohost.org?


I see dot.tk will give me a free domain name. When I have it, can I host it on heliohost? Do I set up the A MX and CNAME here on Heliohost, or there, on dot.tk?

  1. You can opt to use the Dot TK DNS Service, where within My Dot TK you can setup your A, MX and CNAME records.
  2. You can use an external DNS. Please consult your Internet or Hosting Provider for these options.

Do you have any advice for me about what I should enter for those fields, and if I enter the information here, or at dot.tk?


By the way, thank you for your quick and effective answers. You people and your service have been of great help and very educational.


Select custom DNS and type ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Then cPanel will handle the A records and MX records automatically.


Hello again, And sorry.

I went to dot.tk, as you suggested.

I entered bluegemz and it changed the page, said I was registering bluegemz.tk (good, probably means that name is not gone yet).

But then it asks me to choose from:


Use your new domain


Forward this domain to


Build a new website with Imcreator.com

I don't think I want to buld a new website with increator.com, so should I forward my domain to


(where, I thought you would be hosting my site) or use dns?


Or if I select Use DNS, it allows me to select Dot.TK's dns service or my own DNS (you?).


If I select dot.tk's dns, it want's the ip addresses for www.bluegemz.tk and bluegemz.tk. It says those are my A records.

Am I supposed to enter your ip address? (sorry, I do not know it yet)

If I only enter for one of the two, is that how I select bluegemz.tk AND NOT GET www.bluegemz.tk?


If I select use your own DNS service, it wants me to enter one (or two? do I need both?) server names, with matching ip addresses. Is that where I would put ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org? what do I put for IP addresses?


Again, sorry I am so stupid. And again, thank you for your help!


Oops, oh yes, after I point them at you, how and where do I upload my index.html and other files?


Or did I misunderstand completely, and you will not host my new name?


Oops, where did it go?

try again


Good morning!


I wonder if I should start a new topic - well, see if I get a response here first.


I went to dot.tk and created a free domain (as you suggexted).


I selected use dns, use own dns and entered




I think it worked.


As I see it, now the problem is how to tell stevie that that honeywebph.tk is connected to me somehow.


I already have a subdomian.on stevie



which I have set the document root to



Now I try and make an addon domain. It says:

An addon domain allows visitors to reach a subdomain of your site by typing the addon domain's URL into a browser.


Perhaps I am (again, still?) confused. I thought I could enter honeywebph.tk as an addon domain, and point it to my existing subdomain, so stevie (and I) would know where to put my index.html and other files needed.


When I try and use addon domain to add honeywebph.tk, if I tell it to use my existing subdomain, it says it is owned by another user

Error from domain wrapper: honeywebph.bluegemz.heliohost.org is owned by another user.


If I try and enter something else, it says the subdomain does not exist.


Sorry to bother you so much, I am really new at this (does that show?)


Thanks again




Well, how strange - I told addon domain to make my document root



which did not exist (I had not created it yet). Now it is there. Did the addon domain work? Was the error message erroneous?


Well, it is not showing any existing addon domains.


The reason for the error was the existence of the subdomain, if you had removed it then tried adding the domain it would have worked. When you add a domain cPanel makes a new subdomain off your main domain with the name of your addon domain, so it was trying to remake the subdomain that already existed. After cPanel makes the subdomain it parks the new domain on the subdomain.


Yes, setting the DocumentRoot to a folder that doesn't exist is what is recommended, cPanel generally creates a ~/public_html/domainname.tld folder, which doesn't exist beforehand, as a docroot for an addon domain.


Ah, OK, thank you again!

I had thought I tried doing 'Addon Domain' with a new name, and got an error that the subdomain did not exist.

I removed the subdomain, so that I had NO subdomains, retried addon domain, and it WORKED!

And now, when i try to go to 'honeywebph.tk' I get the heliohost account queued message, so the free domain name I got

there is also set up properly.

Again, thank you all for your excellent help. I probably would never have figured it out with that.


Thank you all again Have a nice day!

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