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Guest Geoff





That path doesn't look right.

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That path doesn't look right.


Is it the http part? A user told me to use it. Maybe he was screwing with me and my noobness, or maybe I misunderstood.


Use http when you link to the file as it would be in your browser (in this case http://[yourdomain]l/cgi-bin/images/bg1.gif). You use /home/username/public_html/ as an absolute path without http (in this case /home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/images/bg1.gif).


I'm sorry, but I'm confused. Which one am I supposed to use in order to fix my 500 error and get the images and background to show up?



Guest Geoff

Try this:


require '/home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/jcode.pl';            # Location of jcode.pl

$title   = "Skit Style BBS";    # Title name
$t_color = "#000000";           # Title color
$t_face  = "�ւ���";             # Title font
$t_point = '14pt';              # Title font size

$ImgT = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/imgtitle.gif";   # Title image location goes here.
$ImgW = "376";                  # Title image width
$ImgH = "83";                   # Title image height

$script   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/talkbbs.cgi";       # Name of script.
$logfile  = "/home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/talkbbs.log";     # Name of logfile.
$pass     = 'applesheena';              # Admin password
$admin    ="Admin";             # Admin name.
$max      = 300;                # Max number of entries and replies before log overwrites.
$home     = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/";  # Homepage
$imgurl   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/";           # Folder location for your images
$home_img = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/home.gif";           # Homepage image.

# �w�i�F�A�����F
$bgrnd = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/bg1.gif";       # Background image
$lbg   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/lefbg.gif";     # Left Background image
$rbg   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/rigbg.gif";   # Right Background image
$tbg   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/topbg.gif";   # Top Background image
$bbg   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/botbg.gif";   # Bottom Background image


The problem is the URL needs to be either something like http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin or something like /home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/. It can't be something like http:///home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/


I keep trying to edit the code, but I keep getting a message in the corner saying "[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]" and the changes I make don't save.

Guest Geoff

Oops! My fault. Your board is working now, but you still need to make the changes I posted because the images aren't showing up.


I changed the code for the image links, but they still won't show up. The logo should be visible, and the background color should be as well. Also, the links, such as the "How to/Rules" still aren't working. How do I fix that?




They're still not showing up. I did the Find/Replace like you said, which I've been doing this entire time, and the images still won't show up.

Guest Geoff

Well, you're closer now than ever. For some reason, an internal server error occurs when trying to access the images: http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/images/title.gif


Do you have any .htaccess files in cgi-bin?


One more thing:


Change this:



$script   = "/home/mizuho/public_html/cgi-bin/talkbbs.cgi";     # Name of script.


To this:



$script   = "http://mizuhobbs.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/talkbbs.cgi";     # Name of script.

Guest Geoff

I'll check for you then.


I fixed your script.


Awesome! Thank you for your help, and for putting up with my noobness.


One more problem, though. I noticed that some of the images were missing, so in order to save time, I zipped the images folder that's on my PC, deleted the images folder that's uploaded to my site, and uploaded the entire zipped image folder. I've unzipped and chmodded it, but it looks the same as before, where some of the images are broken.


Also, for future reference, where is my site located on my Cpanel? I have the site uploaded in three different sections, am I'm not sure which one you're editting. I figured it would be under either "www" or "public_html".

Guest Geoff
I figured it would be under either "www" or "public_html".


This is something that cpanel does that confuses people. In linux, there is something called a symlink, or a shortcut to another folder. However, symlinks run a bit "deeper" than a windows shell shortcut (Example: if you were to delete a symlink via FTP, it would also delete the source folder). The www "folder" is actually a symlink to the public_html folder. I would just completely ignore the www folder, and only work with what is in the public_html folder (Tip: don't delete the www folder via FTP, it will delete the public_html folder also). I have no idea why cpanel makes this link, as it makes people like you confused.


I have the site uploaded in three different sections


Chances are one of them is in public_html and one of them is in www. These are actually only one section, see above. I can't imagine where the other section would be.



I zipped the images folder that's on my PC, deleted the images folder that's uploaded to my site, and uploaded the entire zipped image folder.


It wouldn't be that difficult to upload the missing images one-by-one. It looks like there aren't that many that are missing.

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